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Royal Navy


  • National battles

    01. 12. 2006 05:48

I commented on a similar topic in GD, but there stuff quickly drowns and noone could
give a serious answer.

What I would like to try is a battle between two nations. E.g. UK vs. Germany.
Balanced, but sorted after nation.

I have yet to see this in area 7 or anywhere else (only once did I see a 'Europe vs.

Does anyone here share my wish? If we could get a decent party together, we could
challange a similar group from another nation.

  • Re : National battles

    01. 13. 2006 09:35

If it was kept small, like a 5 vs. 5 DD or something similar, it could easily work.
There's fewer people to balance and you can kick out what you don't need. The
problem with larger Axis vs. Allies or UK vs. Germany is the type of ships
available for balancing.

For your UK vs. Germany room, there would be several problems.

As to destroyers, Germany would overwhelm the British with the Z99. There are
always a lot of them, and usually they're high level. British DDs alone, even 6"
gunned L classes, have trouble with them. You'd have to let in more UK destroyers
or limit the amount of Z99s.

Cruisers might be alright, they're fairly diverse. I'd be surprised to see any BB in a
room like this.

If a carrier came in, you'd have Attacker vs. Seydlitz. Baby flattops against a larger
carrier that can hold more aircraft and provide AA for itself.

Beyond that though, the main problem is the room itself. People are used to
balancing by switching sides. We solve balance issues by having equivalent ships to
work with or changing teams. In a UK vs Germany game, you can't change teams
and many of the ships aren't equivalent. It might be possible to sort through that
kind of mess, but most players aren't that patient. If a game doesn't start fairly
quickly or it looks like there's going to be balance issues, I leave. It's just not worth
it. That what I've seen in every game divided by nationality so far.

Imagine what a US v. Japan game would be like: a bunch of Fletchers, DDXs and
Brooklyns against a fleet of TWs and Oyodos. Might be interesting to watch, but I
don't think I'd want to play it.

  • Re : National battles

    01. 13. 2006 04:18

Come, now.

It's not ABing any more than clan wars.

ABing is about making a setup that maxes experience or money for either side.
That's not the point here at all. We could do it outside area 7 if TNF is too paranoid
about initiatives like this, but why, really?

And I see posts like 'this has been tried before, but never succeeded' in several
places. However, noone bothers to tell WHY it failed.

It has been possible for a lot of other games to organise players spanning several
timezones for simulataneous gaming. I see no particular reason why it should not be
possible for exactly this game.

  • Re : National battles

    01. 13. 2006 02:59

Something similar has been tried before but it didn't work out. Too many different
timezones to actually try and set something up, plus you have to run it past the mods so
it isn't classed as AB'ing.

  • Re : National battles

    01. 13. 2006 02:03

Well, enlighten me please. What were the issues?

I can imagine that if you just do it as a throw-together, it may be hard to find a
balance between the included players since they can't very well just change side.

But if we have a prearranged deal with someone on the other side (say we chose a
camp leader for both sides), those rules could be worked out in advance so we don't
have to haggle about it in the actual game.

And I think Axis vs Allies would be too complicated indeed. I'd suggest starting with
UK vs. Germany and perhaps make the first game not too big so we can asses if the
concept is viable.

  • Re : National battles

    01. 12. 2006 13:21

I've seen quite a few people try to start Axis vs. Allies games on POW, but they
always had severe balancing issues. If you could balance it out, it would be alright I

  • Re : National battles

    01. 12. 2006 07:53

Thanks. All that info is right under our avatars though ;)

  • Re : National battles

    01. 12. 2006 07:34

If im on...well what server do you want this on? Cause if your on the PoW server ill join
in im British. Oh Name Alderez.