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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 03. 2009 08:26

I think that many ppl have a relation of love/hate with these ships.
Many hate them, asking for deleteion of the game.
They are not full CVs but spend a CV slot.
Most CVE player are not welcome at the GB rooms, they have better participation at
the blitz rooms.

Many ppl argue that this ships unbalance the game, or that they are a not fair BUFF
to IJN.
They are a the game because they existed in real life, and none of them is as strong
as most ppl think. They are a really low capacity carrier with the hability of (fairly)
defending itself. They have a noticeable lower fire power than its original model and
much less armor.

I think that this ships are like any other, they have their own strong points, faults,
and kinds of tactics and strategies.

Ppl say that they terrible ships. thats beacuse they try to play them as normal CA,
BB or CV. thats is the exactly wrong tactic.


  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    12. 24. 2010 10:36

Some what necro'd thread, but since its up again. People are comparing apples to oranges
here. People stating that Oyo/Mog are great in blitz, I've seen the play in blitz since
they started allowing BBs and CVs into blitz. BBs were not designed to be played in
blitz. Simply look at how a typical BO crew should be raised... Gunners at level 60
should be significantly above BO level (in order to maintain distance ahead by BB4 level
and, so spread on guns is usable, etc), supports will likely be below BO level until a
second line is raised. Somewhat successful BBs will be those with $$ in their crew to BVE
crew to make spread bearable. I can honestly say from watching over years that this has
caused an influx of players with wrong guns on BB4s and some seriously wacked out crews.

Now following the same logic CVs are slightly less at a disadvantage in Blitz (major one
being aaw immunity however ships in blitz typically don't have as high of a AAW stat).
However the average cv player I have seen in blitz since CVs came out either had no
fighters or never launched them. This being the case, peoples views on Oyo/Mog in my mind
are moot. Putting those boats into an environment that should be filled with fighters
(irregardless of whether they are in the right spot or not) will show a few things. One
your fighter/bomber capacity is severely limited. If you do have fighters, you will
likely have to use t1 or t2 in order to carry any real amount of planes.

Now move up to the ISE. On more occasions than not, the players using this are in part
using it because they want it as a TW. This usually leads to all kinds of problems. I
don't personally have an issue with the ISE with torps but rather the people who play it
as a kita. Kitas are small, nimble and fast, allowing to get infront of the team, and
dodge. ISE's are slower, larger, and in order to drop (without TKing) typically have to
get far enough infront of the line that your getting shot at and getting hit. To many get
hit before they fire their main guns or launch a plane. Beyond this, your support slots
are split between supports/pilots... just not bright.

Everyone wants bigger bbs with better range hitting power, why sacrafice an ise to play it
like a lower level BB. CVs want higher level CVs for more plane space and launch more at
a time, why sacrafice this for bb guns.

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    12. 24. 2010 02:21

Meh i use a BW Oyodo in Blitz with 2 bombers and its UBER PWNZORR i sunk 1-2 CA's
everygame and rake 20-30K atk but sometimes i lose bcs i fail bombing 1-2 times hehe
overall oyodo is gud idk how gud is mogami 1944 but im sure gonna love it

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 05. 2009 07:57

An Oyodo loaded with only scouts and mines is extremely powerful considering that
it can lay minefields VERY fast. By the time the enemy has fighters in the air, you've
already dropped 5 or 6 mines, and from then on, it becomes a waiting game. After
you drop your mines, you can keep scouting, so you're serving as a forward
observer, ASW/Anti-BB, and keeping their fighters clear of important jobs like

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 05. 2009 03:28

give me my ise CV and ill sink all those 3 ships you mentioned mate :p

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 04. 2009 21:27

ive been in an oyodo before with all scouts (and a mogami CV) people bitched and whined at
me, i was banned from 2 gbs...

but guess what? im sure the team i was on LOVED Me cause they had full battle awareness
almost the entire time thanks to my constant scouting.


  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 04. 2009 16:26

Genosaurer, the german one was a actual design, the ezo, i'm not 100% sure, but
of all things the japanese designed and remodeled (ise, shinano(from yamato full),
kaga(from tosa hull), etc etc), theres a good possibilty it was thought/designed.

(and yea, i'll look for the book)

and meh, i'd rather have a kaga, kita and fuso then a ise...

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 04. 2009 05:44

"CVEs are deadly when you use ALL their attributes in one package.

They SUCK if you dont :p"

Absolutely agree with you.

As said before, most ppl expect them to behaves like a BB, CA or CV, what they dont
understand is that it can큧 be a full of any of them.
I think this kind of ships requires more strategy and skill than simply "load and go".
It s a difficult ship to manage, but properly done, it is an absolute threat to any, and
i mean ANY other ship.
The Oyodo is a completly good example, yes is pretty much underpowered as carrier
and more as a CL, but in my time in my Oyodo i colected more than 30 BB sunked,
and more than 50 CA ( just a few of them were with low DP when i caught them)
and im not by any means a super player, i started like 2 months ago.
i have seen many ppl that strip off all weapons from them to gain speed, IMO thats
a BIG mistake, these ships are designed to have both, planes and weapons, strip off
one of them and then u surely will have a completely nerfed CL, CV or BB.
Atm im useing the Mogami CV, and still have a bit long way up to the Ise, still have
my Oyo sleeping in the harbor (^_^) (planning to complete my colection) and both
are full loaded triple 6,1 (D the Oyo and L the Mogami) with 4 torp launchers (3
tubes type 90 M2) for close encounters.

Take this example: ( a battle 2 nights ago)
I sunked both Oyodos in the enemy team, but in the time it toke me do it, all my
team got cripled. sudendly i found myself alone against 7 ships ( 1 CA, 2 CL, and 4
DD), thankfully they were a bit spaced but as soon as they spoted me all rush on
me. the CA was the first to reach me (he was full dp), don큧 know what he was
thinking but he rushed an tryed to press a close shooting exchange (maybe he tryed
to eat me alone to not share me with the rest); the point is that he found him self
torped, shelled and bombed from 3 directions and sunked delivering only 1 round of
shells on me, then the rest fall on me, but i managed to sunk 1 CL and 1 DD and
cripled the other CL before i got sunked. ( one of my best games i must say)

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 04. 2009 00:51


I do not believe the hybrid you posted is real - in fact I'm pretty sure it was taken from
a comic book.

If you're interested at all in the subject, and have access to a public or college library
that does inter-library loan, I would highly suggest looking for the book "Hybrid
Warships: The Amalgamation of Big Guns and Aircraft" by R. D. Layman and Stephen McLaughlin.

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 03. 2009 23:42

"as a kita, its too big and slow
as a CV, it doesnt have the plane space and takeoff as other CVs of the same level
as a BB, its a BB1..."


BUT if you did use an Oyodo or Mogami CV you would know how to use all 3 to produce a
decent showing in any GB with the Ise CV.

CVEs are deadly when you use ALL their attributes in one package.

They SUCK if you dont :p

  • Re : Your opinion of the IJN CVE models

    07. 03. 2009 23:36

Mogami CV + 8"D + 6 binds HHE + torps + 1 bomber/fighter and 3 engis = A great
way to wreck an AB in a CV room...
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