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  • petition to shrink the sprite and hitbox on the HOOD

    07. 24. 2009 04:39

currently the Hood a BB3 is the largest ship sprite in the game . beside the bb6 .

this is slightly wrong .

it has recently undergone some changes to make it a bb3 as opposed to a bc2

these changes include

increasing the dp from 20500 to 24500
decreasing the max speed from 44/45 on oh to 42kt (this while OH ratio is increased ?????????)
reducing the turning strength
halving aircraft space
gun ranges do not seem to have chaged .
accuracy is also allegedly not changed
due to it's immense length the distance between the rear of the front two turrets and the
front of the back two turrets is the longest in the game . this results in a very large
dispersion when moving in or away . when sailing in a straight line ( ie manuvering to
avoid shell's but generally being beam on to the enemy ) the spread is fine . however it
is still a very weak ship structually . and can not take the hits of a similar dp ship .

in many ways i feel it should not have had it's dp improved when it was turned into a bb3
as it is meant to be weak as it is a battlecruiser not a battleship . as it was it could
have with a hitbox and sprite shrink been ok as a bb3 . after all it's about time the UK
had a hard ship to play as i keep hearing from KM players.

This is not meant to be a flame fest . if you do not agree do not recomend and move on .
if you agree recomend and bump .

  • Re : petition to shrink the sprite and hitbox on the HOOD

    03. 28. 2011 14:02

I like the Hood how it is.

  • Re : petition to shrink the sprite and hitbox on the HOOD

    03. 28. 2011 12:53

Ya im comming up on hood/nelly branch offs and im not too sure about not having a not sure about having something as big as north america either. LOL
good idea i hope its implemented



  • Re : petition to shrink the sprite and hitbox on the HOOD

    03. 27. 2011 01:13


I've only recently played the Hood. I've now played all the UK ships accept the Vanguard
and QV. This ship is different to other UK ships, and it's a very good ship once you're
used to it.

But, I've been sailing next to BB4s and BB5s and I still get targeted by enemy CVs. That never
happened with KGV/PoW or Nelson (except when AWed).

I've been using it with lvl 100+ EBVE supports so I'm not here to complain about how the
ship is crap or unbalanced, I actually like it, it's just massively huge compared to other
BB3s (it's bigger than the H44) and it's a magnet for DBs. And even though it goes 42kt,
it's still near impossible to dodge bombers or shells.

I think a slight reduction in size is in order, even if it means reducing the DP or other
capabilities. I'm glad I didn't have to grind through this ship with at level crew...