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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • CA Mogami questions...

    10. 23. 2005 21:11

Alright, this is my first time up the jap gun line and ive heard some good and bad things about the remodle of the Mogami. Good points kinda obvious, more HP, DP, can hold the 8" Ls, but ive also heard that the gun turning angles are horrable. Same as the Atlanta? I spent my time in an Atlanta and sure as hell don't want to go back lol. any imput on the refit from anyone who has it would be appreciated. I will probly upgrade anyway but id like some info first. THANKS! -B

  • Re : CA Mogami questions...

    10. 24. 2005 18:19

angle aint so bad, im starting to get used to it again

brings back the good old akitsuki days :P

  • Re : CA Mogami questions...

    10. 24. 2005 15:13

Mogami is a strong ship, both CL and CA versions...

For CA, main differences are gun angles..
they take a lot of getting used-to becoz they are very restrictive if u are coming from mogami cl...

Mogami CL = 300`
Mogami CA = 240`

so it is hard to get adjusted...

But..mogami's guns do great amt of damage expecially if u are using HE normal shells... probably around 500-600..HE light 400-500

The guns are great...they can range everything except the german 8" on Prinz Eugen...
Also, PS outrange it but they are using BC guns so they dont count -.-

Another thing to watch out for is the has lowest DP for all CA, so u have to manage ur Dp carefully or else u will die quick...

But most of these things u learn in mogami CL so once you have a good BO (can see ur shells land) and good gunners (can spread within a shiplength) it will be deadly.

  • Re : CA Mogami questions...

    10. 24. 2005 08:05

The CA Mog has dissapointed me, its not that much better than the Myoko really.

It holds almost no armour, and the speed is slow (26 kts) even with the CA Heavy engine.

The Gun arcs are just as bad as the Myoko ones and makes for maonuvering kinda hard.

Its saving grace is that it can indeed hold the 8" F L, which will give you very long reach. Problem is that you cant really fight a range battle too well as its very easy to rush you because of your sucky speed and gun arcs. Oh well, after the Mog is the Kongo, yay! ....

  • Re : CA Mogami questions...

    10. 24. 2005 07:40

Mogami is 4th best range CA...only P-pro, Eugen, and d-land outrange it.

It is a ship to be feared with dual 8 F L

  • Re : CA Mogami questions...

    10. 24. 2005 06:14

NEVER REMODEL INTO A CV EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The CA is your best hope as it can hold the 8' Type F L's with 1000 Velocity which if farther then any other CA except the KM's. Also the it might have less armour but it makes up for that with speed and range. Its a good ship with better angles then the Myoko.

  • Re : CA Mogami questions...

    10. 24. 2005 04:12

CV mogami is lower lv than CA mogami...
ya...CA mogami's gun angle is the same as atlanta's= =

  • Re : CA Mogami questions...

    10. 23. 2005 22:05

alternate option go n remodel to CV Mogami