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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Strongest All around SS class

    09. 09. 2009 09:46

So which SS nation and class would be the best one to choose?

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    10. 05. 2009 22:44

I've been thinking about this since posting. Tonight, was a great night to test if KM SS3
was better than IJN. My crew: BO 80, 2 Torps 78, Plane and Sonar at 77, Engy at 78 and
48 and Repair at 64. Didn't lose a SS dogfight, though a couple times had a tie where we
killed each other. In one game, I killed 4 SS's including KM SS3 without taking
significant damage. The Kadai, is skinny enough to dodge a lot of head on shots. The
Torps are so quick in reloading, that I can outshoot everyone else. As long as I don't
get too close and get into a critical dive shoot out, I can't be touched.

Interesting comments about UK SS3. I also think the US SS2 is under rated. Personally, I
don't like fighting them, they are so small and turn on a dime. I never get a good hit on
them, have to count on exploding torpedos next to them.

Though I will say, I think the quality of crew makes the biggest difference. Few people
stay long enough in SS to build a really quality crew, but man it is a blast when you have
one. I love seeing BBs run away and taking out SS's to protect my BBs. And all of those
years of slow moving and turning subs is finally over.

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 26. 2009 13:40

I prefere IJN subs because of the strong torps & big growth of torps up tp lvl 80 so you
can get faster reload and so :)

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 24. 2009 00:00

I had IJN SS, but then went UK. UK SS2 is awesome due to its turning force. UK SS3 is
very strong due to still having six forward tubes. My UK SS BO has one recruit, and no
other crew. So, he is functionally weightless. Due to this I can get away with running a
seaman (for more speed) or a rep (for obvious reasons) in the gunnery slot of the ship.

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 23. 2009 22:22

I have a level 80 IJN BO with mid 70s crew.

I have not lost a SS dogfight in a long time. Only if a KM surprises me can it have a
chance of beating me, but I follow one simple rule. I don't get in tight with him, I keep
my distance so my torps explode next to him. This takes advantage of my superior range of
IJN torps. After my first salvo, I will fire my back torps at him. This works great.
Usually I kill them with no damage.

If you are looking for a whole nation of subs, then IJN can't be beat. The Junsen is as
powerful as almost every SS3, just slower. The 6 torpedo tubes up front, plus two gunner
positions (which can be used for repair or seaman) give him more firepower than any other
sub. The Kadai actually felt like a downgrade, but now that my support and torpedo men
have moved up, its fun again. Vickers is slow, but you go to the side of your team which
is losing and let the enemy BBs come to you. Boy they hate it when they think they have
an open shot to the CVs and find a SS waiting for them.

Another reason to go IJN is your torpedo men can then be used on TWs.

Now if you want to go after little ships, than the KM might be for you. But subs best
role is going after BBs. Even if you don't kill them, the fact that you can spot them for
your BBs is invaluable. Most games you should get at least one BB. Don't waste your time
on the small fry -- go for the points and the experience.

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 22. 2009 10:05

Personally I like my Ijn SS2 - Junsen due to it's next to none firepower.

I'd say that generally speaking IJN subs are best against heavy targets like BB and
CV type ships, while KM subs make much better dueling ships due to proximity torps,
as well as best turning speed of all subs.

UK subs are pretty nice too, expept the SS1 maybe, since it has neither the speed
(it's as fast as Vickers, which means - slow as a snail) nor firepower. I'm not saying
it's a bad ship, just completly avarage compared to other nation's SS1. UK SS2 & 3
however seem to be somewhere between those of IJN and KM, but that's again just
my personal feeling.

US subs however definietly suck lol. Surprisingly, this does not make them less
popular. In a matter of fact, I think US subs are somewhat more popular among New
York server sub drivers than UK ones. Maybe it's about playing subs the hard way?

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 22. 2009 10:05

My vote is for IJN, closely followed by KM.

The SS3 ships are pretty evenly matched: KM turns a little better, but IJN has faster
and more damaging torps plus an extra support slot which can be used for either
speed or repair advantage.

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 17. 2009 05:53

I have to agree that KM has the best SS. Their torpedoes are good and the range is nice on

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 17. 2009 02:32

Now the best is Km with TypeVIIc.later almost all submarins is recive the ss4 maybe
that is I-400 with 4tb,T class.IXD and Gato all is great in ww2,maybe.

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 17. 2009 02:04

Km is Great ss than ijn

  • Re : Strongest All around SS class

    09. 16. 2009 03:15

overall, i see no sub as being better. Its the crew that is on the sub and the player
useing the sub, that will win the battle.

If you have a BB crew take that nation sub, so you have that speed. Having high SD
is also alot of help. I prefer my Kaidai over my VIIC but thats because i have a higher
crew on there.
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