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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7"/ 45 Type 10 A DP Guns

    09. 12. 2009 14:32

I cannot mount the 4.7"/ 45 Type 10 A DP Dual Guns Level 36 on my Tsukikei.

My Bridge Officer is over level 36. The Arm Space for the Tsukikei is 79, the Gun is 32.

The gun does not appear in the drop down menu.

I read about this set-up in thread and wanted to give it a try.

Am I missing something? Do I contact NF?



  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 13. 2009 10:43

HA, when referring to gunning technique, means "high angling". It means using the
angles above 45 degrees in order to hit your target's deck while dealing higher-than-
normal damage. This is a technique most commonly associated with the US Atlanta
cruisers and the UK County class. See the High Angling guide in the USN section for

  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 13. 2009 10:16

Ls have require more weight/space, slightly higher level than Ns, longest reload, and
shoots the farthests out of the three. Ns are your standard guns, lowests level
required out of the three, medium reload, medium range, medium weight/space. Ds
are your lightest guns in terms of weight/space, highest level required out of the
three, lowest range, fastest reload.

Generally Ls have the least accuracy while Ds have the most though this is probably
just a matter of range.

High level crews generally don't fit on DDs, or CLs really for that matter...

There's not really any specific instances to use Ns unless you really need more binds
but don't want to sacrifise too much range or just aren't high enough level for the

  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 13. 2009 10:15

Raptor you said "Also, you can HA with them for fun. "

What does that mean? Your posts are really helpful. When you use inside acronyms
it is hard for newer players.

AA Whore?

  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 13. 2009 08:53

Tonnage and Velocity for Tsukukei 3.9 No Crew

N 2770 tons loaded - 1000 velocity
L 2818 tons loaded - 1100
D 2722 tons loaded - 900

So you should always try L then N then D? And see if when loaded with Crew, if it effects
the Ship Speed?

  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 13. 2009 08:40

Thanks All. I am leveling (as per DP AA Thread) 2 DP Gunners, I will not class them to
Yamato or later.

Two Questions: Will they be too heavy to have some fun and a change of pace when they are
at level 100 for the Tsukukei?

If that is true would I normally level and class a set second set of DP Gunners that are

As for NLD Guns, I always run D guns on IJN for speed reasons. If an L gun does not effect
the speed of the ship, does it shoot farther or have better accuracy than a D? Would you
ever use an N?

  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 12. 2009 16:46

slyv nailed it. The 3.9" NLD are somewhat inferior to the USN 5"/38 Mk 38 NLD, but still
capable of helping out in GBs. Also, you can HA with them for fun.

  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 12. 2009 15:48

You must have AA GUNNERS AT LEVEL 36 to use those guns,BO can't use ANY
GUNS,3" Fictory Guns to 20" Kaiser and Amagi Rifles,Pom-Poms or 4.7's.

And you shouldn't class your Armament Sailors into AA gunners once they can be
classed,they'll lose VERY PRECIOUS Accuracy and Reload Growth,the longer you wait
the better.

  • Re : Tsukukei DD AA - Mounting 4.7

    09. 12. 2009 15:38

That is a fun set up but your regular gunners cant use those guns. You need to buy or
raise a set of DP gunners to use them.

I strongly recommend reading the stickied AA guide before you do anything though. You'll
get all the info you need on IJN AA and how to properly raise a set of DP gunners there.

In the meantime try using dual 3.9"s with a mix of AA and HE ;)
