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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Engine for B65

    09. 17. 2009 19:17

Well, I know it's newb.. but its a hell of a lot better to train my engis in then the

Currently I run my B65 with full complement of 4.7AA, 12.2 trips, and ~70 bulge.

Now my normal cruising speed with the BC Engine (heavy) is 27/36 with 187000
(114%) My question is that i was fooling with the engines tonight and found that the
CV V (Heavy) lets me go 25/38 with 167300 (163%)

My question is, which would be better in terms of speed/OH as well as OH cap, etc.

Thanks alot, Krauts08

  • Re : Engine for B65

    09. 26. 2009 08:57

OK thanks for the replies :) My new engi's are 3 +12s and 2 +11s around level 50,
so I've got to grind em a bit more to get the higher speeds. I currently cruise at
26/38 so it's not so bad. Thanks all :)

  • Re : Engine for B65

    09. 24. 2009 05:07

Maybe its my crew or how i set up the boat, but for me the CV engine gives both
higer OH speed and more OH time. The loss of a knt of cruise does not faze me at
all, as having a cruise of 26 really isnt any better than 25 due to the way this game
handles movement..that one knt is maybe half a shiplength a minute faster,
whereas the higher OH is several knts better and lasts longer.

Of course, that still doesnt fix the fail spread on b65...i can handle the wideness, its
the massive variation in range I hate. When i can fire 3 times and my splash area is
not only a shiplength wide, but also a shiplength deep, theres a problem. Especially
since this is with lvl 93 +12 BVE gunners.

About the engys, i had 4 +12 BVE at level 65-70 that gave me 42knts with bulge and
all that loaded up.

  • Re : Engine for B65

    09. 22. 2009 15:55

Thanks for replies guys, I'm using the CV engine and it's working fairly well for me.

Does anyone know how many/wat level/base your engies need to be to reach 43+
or speed cap teh B65? I hear it's fairly hard to do. I'm currently training up 3 +12
boosted engi's (will VE when they're ready for use) and two +11 boosted Engies (VE
same time as +12s)

Thanks, Krauts08

  • Re : Engine for B65

    09. 20. 2009 23:51

i tried it in my harbor, no difference that i could see, i coud hit hte speed cap of 45kn
both ways...

  • Re : Engine for B65

    09. 20. 2009 23:04

I'm actually curious about how do the 3 second difference traduce when you have high level
engies....3 x (second x30)? or just 3 sec difference (like calculate base OH time +engy OH
time(engineer OH time stack, contrary to speed which doesn't)

anyone tested it?

but anyway, for now my way is best HP/weight ratio. if OH ratio is concerned, ill take the
best OH speed i can get, even if it means slower base, or more weight. if i speed cap them
all, then i take in the order:

A Most speed (HP/OH ratio) (if two or more are the same i go to B)
B Less weight (if two or more are the same i go to C)
C Best OH time (if two or more are the same...throw a coin lol)

  • Re : Engine for B65

    09. 18. 2009 07:54

I can tell you for certain that the CV engine will give you longer OH time.

There are several ships in NF(i.e. Repulse) that you can choose between a normal engine
with the highest SHP or a cv engine that weights more/less, with slightly less SHP, but
better OH ratio.

In my personal view the benefit of longer OH time out weight the loss of a knot or two in
base speed.

  • Re : Engine for B65

    09. 17. 2009 21:49

i actually have no clue.

i'll do some testing tommorrow and see what the results are.

btw, the speed cap for B65 is rather hard to hit, i got it at 4 lv 100+ eniges..

but at lv 100, my eniges fails >.>