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  • More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    10. 05. 2009 10:22

I hate it that on the lower lvl ships you got less support slots >.<, so i suggest:
make more support slots to the FF, DD, CL, CA, becouse so the repair of the lower lvl
ships sucks, becouse if you got low lvl, base with bad supports, the repair is going
sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooow... so give the lower lvl ships more chance to
repair, i dont want that the lower lvl ships have the same support slots as the BBs,
so maybe is it an idea to let that grow too (keep the BB6 minimum supports to drive
it). However, hope you guys will think positive over this.


>this will be usefull to players that want to go for CV line, then they can carry all
Pilots in the support slot, so faster lvling.<

I used search function for 10mins or something.


  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    12. 14. 2010 22:13



Then it takes 10 times longer to grind? -.-

Oh, and at the beginning of the game, let players know an good crew setup, like 5
engi's, 4 rep's and 1 scout?????????

And make displacement higher so the sailors can go aboard.

  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    07. 26. 2010 07:37


  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    07. 26. 2010 07:02

omg? got away from the first list without ANY comment?!
fail -.-

cmon people share ur ideas


  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    03. 02. 2010 12:56


  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    03. 02. 2010 12:41

rotate the sailors on the ship, i do the same
bo and gunners are 7x, supports 6x

  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA Updated

    11. 03. 2009 08:09

bump, i think we really need this if we want upcoming BB players for the supports,
same is for other ships, all ships need more sup slots

  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA Updated

    10. 09. 2009 07:02

The new slots one slot for all ships is request more ship space(a board)is complicate
to do it,maybe a litle bit later new year?

  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    10. 05. 2009 15:27

Yeah, I've been asking for this as well. It's just basicly what we have already
ingame but with 1-2 more support slots with a slight increase in useable
displacement and gun and torp space.

  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    10. 05. 2009 15:06

I could go for a premium FF myself.

  • Re : More support slots on FF, DD, CL, CA

    10. 05. 2009 10:39

There's a thread floating around about a premium DD (PDD), which I would absolutely love
to have in this game. Basically; make it a level that prevents it from entering blitz, and
allow a little more space on the R and T slots, and increased crew space (for higher level
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