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  • Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 13. 2009 09:09

What ship class should I wait for before I switch over to an AA/ASW escort?

I mainly want to escort carriers and protect from the evil subs of the deep and high
flying ace's in the air.

Right now I drive a Tribal DD but it isn't configured for AA or ASW.

I was reading about an Emerald? What level is this ship and is it still recommended?

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 28. 2009 11:52

I agree with the comments. re: sailors, I would strongly recommend using Reload gunners
and the "D/N" RP-10s over the AA Gunners with the "A" RP-10s. I have the "A"s right now,
but I am training up a pair of 10/12 gunners to take over. The reason? A level 60 AA
gunner will have an AAW stat of 1250 or so and a reload of 700. By contrast the
equivalent reload gunner would have ~ 1300+ reload and AAW of around 600. Since AAW is
broken, you are really talking about 1300 reload vs 700 reload. The "A" RP-10s fire at
2.24sec/shot. The "D" RP-10s fire at 2.36sec/shot. But, at 700 second reload for AA
gunners you are only reducing it a little (I don't know.... 1.9-2.0 sec?). Whereas with
reload gunners you are getting close to the 50% max so your 2.36 is more like 1.5 sec. So
already you are firing more shells more often! Besides, then you can always plop them
down on some other platform........ whereas AA gunners are only for AA guns.

For real AA I recommend KM. It is a blast. I am using an Andria Doria with all T slots
configured with 1.2 sec firing guns and it is a lot of fun! I will get ~ 2000 aircraft
credits a game plus my 10-20K from the main guns.

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 26. 2009 23:43

He is right.

A good AA ship will "escort" a BB, and stick to that BB, if planes wont come near you
then you are doing your job properly. plenty of golden angle scouts, pop one of
those and have a laugh with shared XP.

as for AA/ASW setup.

dual 4" and either HH or DC... I prefer DC as its an area effect weapon (bigger spash
damage) whereas the freebie HH you need to land a salvo right on top of the
sucker... and often by the time you see the sub it'll be damn near under you unless
you have a GOOD sonarman...

the thing with the dual 4" is you have MASSIVE amounts of ammo to use, and the
reload is actually not too bad. ALSO a light gun, better to use RLD gunners with it
though.or ACC gunners at the RLD cap.

AND the dual 4" can high angle.... golden shower on gradual... kekekeke

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 20. 2009 20:33

Well an AA ship shouldn't move closer. Head N or S with some of the battleships
each game, just a little farther from the enemy than they are. Be far enough back
that the BB can manuver, but close enough to cover them with AA guns. Don't
worry, the planes will come.

And shooting scouts keeps your BB alive by messing up the enemy counterfire. So
don't assume that you have to be killing massive droves of enemy planes to help
your team win. Sometimes a single scout plane is the difference between winning
and losing.

Quite often, actually. =)

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 18. 2009 11:22

Oh, gotcha lol. But anyway's I gave up. I switched my Emerald to a gunship because I
hardly ever saw and planes to AA and when I got closer I'd get pwned by BB's.

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 18. 2009 01:51

He means that AA(W) is not an active ability for sailors, so it does nothing. There is no
bonus AAW. In addition, UK AA sailors are worse than reload gunners for AA.

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 18. 2009 01:49

The AAW stat is broken.

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 17. 2009 20:41

I don't play for stats. I play for fun.

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 17. 2009 16:41

AAW is not an active stat in the game at this time.

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 17. 2009 14:57

But shouldn't I use the A varients of the guns so I can mount AA Gunners so I can get a
bonus AAW too? It's what I have now since my squad gave me some lvl 50 AA gunners compared
to my lvl 30 Regular Gunners.

And hedgehogs would be better than DCs? I thought DCs were 1 or 2 hit kill? Are HH's the

  • Re : Thoughts on AA/ASW setup

    10. 15. 2009 20:53

Emerald is definately the choice for UK. lvl 26, no ship tree required, any BO can

R slots use 5.25 RP10 duals, N or L version. 5 binds AA, 2 binds HE hvy. 6 turret

T slots can mount hedgehogs or DC's, but I recommend hogs. use gradual fire so
you don't miss en masse.

Since it's a CL, you'll want a sonarman on board since you otherwise cannot see
subs. As an added bonus, you can mount a scout plane and thus be triply useful to
your team.
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