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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 14. 2009 10:54

yes i did search but some posts are 3 years old!

I'm sure there have prob been nerfs and what not, just curious if the ship is still worth
getting or if it is a waste now.


  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 18. 2009 23:37

Not in my opinion. I bought the KM PCL mainly for fun, and its wasnt that efficient,
altough fun (the visual of 2 single 11" on it are hilarious)

But mainly PCLs usefulness are really limited. I didnt see the point in the dhonburi, and
therefore didnt buy it. USN CA is pretty fun, can use the triple 8" N unless im mistaken.
I haven't bought one, but it does have a certain draw when leveling, especially with good
gunners in blizt.

UK PCL is pretty worthless, altough single 18" tiger is priceless visual, as KM.

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 18. 2009 12:30

Not for leveling. Get yourself a hamburger or something, that will last lost longer.

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 17. 2009 19:52

"Dhonburi worth it?"

Fuck yes.

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 15. 2009 21:09

I suppose 150k isn't all that much, but that's only because you run out of ammo,
even with a 50% accuracy, though I suppose you could get 300k with 100%, but
then that's still not enough to kill the whole opposing team.

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 15. 2009 16:50

not really worth it unless, as you can do only a tiny bit of damage with 2 turrets at
level, at higher levels, it becomes ok, but still sucks :S

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 15. 2009 10:10

You need to place something like 10 inch belt on it.

You are going to be really slow - like 22 knts, but it is fun seeing zeros pop up all
over you.

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 15. 2009 08:56


  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 15. 2009 08:26

Sintri, what are the key PCL tactics? Stay at max range and dodge around a lot? Fit
with the N 6.1trips? Is there a point to PCL in GB?

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 14. 2009 16:36

Best / tied for best PCL. Unstoppable ship if you know what you're doing, if you
don't then it's just a really small CL.

  • Re : Dhonburi worth it?

    10. 14. 2009 13:58

The only relevant changes since then would be that the triple 6.1 D/N (but not L) block,
and the A can't carry HE. So it should still be a fun ship (especially if you have the
credits to mess with armor in blitzes), but not anything great.