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  • KGV learning curve?

    10. 16. 2009 22:34

OK, so I just stepped into my brand new KGV, and am having a little difficulty.

I'm used to KM and decided to try UK for a change. I was very impressed with the QE as far
as firepower and couldn't wait to step into the KGV, however........

I've had her for about 20 games and I just can't hit consistantly for squat and I take a
pounding! Had a few games where I landed a few good hits but nothing substancial since I
got pwned in no time. I have a super tight spread and good reload but my aim is sub-par
and I get raped because of the short range.

I'm at 790 SD with slightly below level support at 4 Eng/3Reps good stats BVE and Gunners
7 levels above BO. Run 48 knots OH with some bulge/.2belt.

So my question is, Is it because of my SD not being 900 or just my lack of skill? Should I
go level my other UK BO currently at lvl 30 till I get 900 SD out of my support or just
keep practicing?

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 29. 2009 21:30

Batch Tips:

- Spend the first couple minutes munching on shrimps & subs; or wander mindlessly until
both flanks are full

-Never engage directly; You're a god*bleep* armored, speedy, blockshotting machine with
the range of a CA

-Ignore the Lions; they ain't worth unless it is necessary

-Drop your OH if you wanna hit at max range; you hit 2-4 degrees less than what is seen
during burning & turning

-You have the hang time of a Yammy; predict your shots

- Clouds are for the most part useless; however, this does not discourage you from taking
advantage of them, or camping under 'em until found

- Cloud camping is at your discretion

-Engineers are your friends

-Hedgehogs are even better friends; lest you armorwhore >:0

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 25. 2009 18:32

lol fight the!!!

Just use common sense when rushing....

Do you rush when other bbs are aware and unengaged??
Do you rush when its only you vs perhaps 1-2+ bb??
Do you rush when you have enemy ftrs over you???

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 25. 2009 11:14

now i'm playing with KGV, and it's a hard ship... but first i stay with bb4 and bb5, and
then when the flanks are beaten, i go and rush a little and do good damage... KVG has
really good firepower, and i can beat a bb4 or bb5, but it lacks range...

But i love the KVG, and i was getting bored of Queen Elizabeth...

Good Game!!

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 25. 2009 07:24

put quad front gun, dual middle gun. throw 9.2 deck on there, some bulge, and have fun

thats what made the KGV a really great ship for me. lots of fun.

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 18. 2009 03:52

Km's version of dodging is just staying at range and thats it. With the KGV and POW, your
gonna have to do a lot of turning well within your max to dodge.

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 17. 2009 08:25

I didn't read any other comments

Take your KGV, but 3x 15" mk3N guns on it, but on .2 belt and 5 bulge, and all the rest
fill up your deck. at lvl you should be getting around 10" deck still. Sit in the middle
and fire upon the flanks. Nothing KM can hurt you, nothing below BB4 can hurt you, and
only Iowa in the BB4 ranks can -really- hurt you.

Try it. I used this to grind from KGV all the way to L1... I hated POW :)


  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 17. 2009 06:57

Thanks guys, right now Im running SW with quad and dual 14'' up front. It seems to be
getting better.

I know how to dodge, it's just a bit different kind of dodging than the KM sling-shot i'm
used to.


  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 17. 2009 06:54

in your first games with KGV, before setting angles is a second nature..
stay in the mid, shoot CA's/Kita's (good practice for setting angles)
When your teammates north/south beat the enemy.. it is your moment: use your
speed to get to the enemy cvs first and get shitloads of attack...

I know this tactic is only effective when winning (you can also rush blind bb's if your
team's cvs are uber) but if you want to make the difference for your team with a KGV
you have to be able to kill the bb before it kills you, for that you have to know your
angles + have a good reloadtime and sd because any descent enemy has 2-3 salvos
before you got him in range.

Oh and euh.. don't rush running bb4/5s: they are not that slow, might be able to
overdrive longer and stay out of your range (and keep you into theirs) for 5-6
savlo's wich is more than enough to send you to the bottom. Play smart, choose
your moments and don't be happy with 1 hit and dead in 1 rush.

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 17. 2009 03:02

LOLWUT? I suppose your definition of a good game is dying 2 minutes in
with 20k attack.

A rushing player does well PRECISELY because he avoids or minimizes the hits he needs to
take to get close. This goes doubly for SWed ships without the benefit of armor. Your
ultimate goal is to SINK the enemy, AND THEN either retreat to repair or continue your
push. You do NOT aim to be sunk unless the situation is entirely hopeless.

I can see how marginal of a player the previous poster was by his need to justify his
own worth in a game.

  • Re : KGV learning curve?

    10. 17. 2009 02:56

Beware stupid posters above.

Dodging as a advice to a SW rushing ship. DUMB.

This is how you play KGV/POW/Nelson well.

1. Launch scout instantly.
2. Come in at a angle the ship you should be rushing shoul be paying attention to
BB5s/BB4s, meaning you should be amongst the harmless dd's cl's ca's.
3. Always check the other teams BBs and where they are going.
4. Aim for BB4/5, because you are probably going to die during the rush and it will be
good experience + you can say you are a good contributor to your team seeing as
you are in a BB2 and sunk a bb4/5.
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