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  • Unlimited War

    10. 25. 2009 12:15

First thing is first, please be constructive. If you do not like the idea, offer a way to
improve it or just do not reply at all. Thank you in advance.

This is a simple idea. Make an area which is not currently used an unlimited war. What I
mean is when a player joins the area in one of the rooms he automatically goes into
battle. The server would be the room host and the battle would never end.

There could be a whole fleet of SS, BB, CV, CA, CL, DD, and FF that are constantly being
run by the server (NPC ships) but unlike other mission NPCs these ships would have the
combative power of the player ships. They would launch DB, TB, fighters and carry the same
ammo and guns of player ships except that the NPC ships would have unlimited ammo and
planes but not unlimited armor or damage. They could be sunk.

Of course the map would have to be made larger to make up for players joining and having a
chance to get ready for battle but players who join this war room would get more
experience, points & credits for the longer they survived in it. The Bravo side would be
the NPC controlled server ships and Alpha for the joining players. When an NPC ship gets
sunk, a new NPC ship of the same class would respawn on the Bravo side thus keeping the
game running.

There could be 3 types of rooms in this area.

Bronze Room - FF, DD, CL, & SS only with only FF, DD, CL, & SS NPC ships.
Silver Room - CA, CV, BB only with only CA, CV, BB NPC ships.
Gold Room - FF, DD, CL, CA, CV, BB, SS

The NPC compliment of the rooms would depend on the amount of players in that room. At the
least there would be 2 of each type in the room per player. The maximum amount of players
that could join a room would be the equivalent of Fleet Size.

These rooms could be used by fleets and squads to train their members to fight together
and work as one. But you could go into the room by yourself just to better your fighting

When a player does die, they would be sent to the normal battle report screen and then
onto the shipyard where they could repair and rearm before rejoining the battle.

  • Re : Unlimited War

    01. 25. 2011 06:06

Did this require the necro-bump?

As this is suggested regularly, I am going to go on the side of No...

Didn't you recently say you were leaving or is this a Nabisko's cousin moment?

  • Re : Unlimited War

    01. 25. 2011 05:46

Nice... a never end war!

  • Re : Unlimited War

    01. 25. 2011 04:03

like the idea, but how about you can join with the npc side? and as more players join
the npc side, less npc will spawn

  • Re : Unlimited War

    01. 25. 2011 01:15

great idea, recc super

  • Re : Unlimited War

    01. 24. 2011 20:35

sara, too true, but unlike a normal battle, you would not respawn in an area with other
players, you would respawn randomly. So one time you might be near 'friendlies' and the
next you might respawn near enemies.

Once you join the battle, you will be locked from shooting or taking damage for a period
of say, 30 seconds. If you do join with a BB3 that has BB1 guns on it, you might respawn
near a NPC BB5 with it's guns and you won't last too long.

  • Re : Unlimited War

    10. 27. 2009 09:28

i like this.Its a great way for a fleet to play and train together.its more like what we
have been asking for HA training.i will rec this tommorow. everyone this would be a
great thing if it were to happen and open a new and more fun side of NF

  • Re : Unlimited War

    10. 27. 2009 08:29

great idea just wandering how the exp would come into play in something like that

  • Re : Unlimited War

    10. 27. 2009 00:03

Deja Vu.

  • Re : Unlimited War

    10. 26. 2009 18:56

Rec. But I think the botting should be fixed first. I'm tired of seeing BB2s(bb5 crew)
with auto FCS firing at FF when BBs are in range( well not auto FCS range. This would just
make it easier for bots to get exp, without other people watching them.

  • Re : Unlimited War

    10. 26. 2009 18:10

This has been suggested by many people over a long period of time. I do support the idea
but SDE is already working on another game mode and I doubt they will consider this until
the have nothing else to do.
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