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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN T2 FPs

    10. 26. 2009 21:22


I am currently using the ijn t2s and find that they are pretty bad >.>

Except when micro'd which I do but still I find I get overwhelmed by all the km cvs and
what with all the bbs whining...

Using 2 +12 boosted full exp 40 vets level 62 and have about 4 more of about level 58

My question is, do they ever get good or do I just need to add more vets?

  • Re : IJN T2 FPs

    10. 30. 2009 06:30

"only about 100 vets on my UK crew >.>"

Same ^.^''

Almost any low level pilots will be eaten by a high level, skilled cv, just keep leveling
them and getting better at controling them. Ofcourse there are exceptions, where a
high level cv will have his ftrs eaten by a lower lvl ftrs from a more skilled cv.

  • Re : IJN T2 FPs

    10. 28. 2009 15:22

I found that now that I have my second set of fps leveled to t2 level it is a lot easier
to kill things :)

  • Re : IJN T2 FPs

    10. 28. 2009 13:44

To quote Adalbert's guide on ability there are two things that determine the
effectiveness of your FP and they are both based on the "true ability" of your pilots.

There are two stats important for FP and that is fighter and bomber ability.

Fighter ability is how well your planes attack and bomber ability is how well your
planes defend. Aircraft ability apparently is not relevant for anything.

True Ability = (4*Vets + Experts) * Ability * (number of sailors / max sailors)
That last factor should be equal to 1.0 with full recruits. Notice that if you had no
experts/vets you would have zero True Ability.

So with only 40 vets on your pilots you can see that your True Ability in attack
(Fighter) and defense (Bomber) will be pretty low. So you need the vets.

See the Adalbert's Guide stickied in Tips and Tactics.

  • Re : IJN T2 FPs

    10. 28. 2009 06:54

::most of the high level (lv 100+) CVs have somthing like 150vets per fighter, while
some have even more, 200vets..etc::

only about 100 vets on my UK crew >.>

  • Re : IJN T2 FPs

    10. 27. 2009 20:30

Yeah, my FPs level 81 only have like 60-70 vets, and it's mostly
just about microing, if you can just do that, and know what fights
you can and can't pick if you should be decent, but it takes time to

  • Re : IJN T2 FPs

    10. 26. 2009 21:41

More vets fixes almost anything.

most of the high level (lv 100+) CVs have somthing like 150vets per fighter, while
some have even more, 200vets..etc

but if you can just keep dragging them, and microing them, that should be enough
even with your amount of vets.