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Royal Navy


  • Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    10. 31. 2009 13:13

I had a lot of fun getting up to the BB level and was thrilled to get my first
battleship. I got a revenge... I hear from everyone how its a great ship, and i'm sure
it is... but apparently not when I'm at the helm.

Really I don't think it has anything to do with the ship itself. I have a level 61 Bridge
Operator and two level 60 Gunners. What I'm here to ask is how can I play in this
ship with gunners at that level and still have fun? With my BO iat level 61 I can't do
blitz anymore (which was fun) and can only do great battles...

In Great Battle I seem to have a choice... I can charge ahead and maybe hit a dd
before a high level bb with twice my range blows me out of the water... or i can
hang back. If I hang back then either my side takes the upperhand and I can't get in
the action fast enough to get any attack in or my side falls apart and im again being
blown out of the water by BBs with twice my range.

What do I need to equip my ship with when I have sailors at the level I do so that I
can actually have fun playing this game again?

And please for the love of god don't tell me to hang back and shoot at the stray
dd/ca/cl... I already do that on the rare occasions they come close enough without
support fire from their own bbs... that kind of play is just boring. I know its a low lvl
BB, I understand high level ones are supposed to outclass it... just i'd like to at least
get off a shot before i'm sunk. What do I need to put on my ship to do that?

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    11. 03. 2009 04:39

incidentally i had the same exact problem as you. actually, worse, because i came back
after a long time to a renown(and we all know a revenge is better...ppl who disagree,
don't flame me lol ) what i did was to grind and endure till a higher lvl when u can get a
new ship(for me the repulse). at the same time, train a new crew to try out other stuff.
since u came back after a year, i assume you don't have a sub(like i did). so when i got
bored with grinding i just played the sub to revitalize myself...and then continue the bb
grind. trust me, its worth it later on :D

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    11. 02. 2009 09:34

You need to learn to use BB. Get into County, mount RP10L and do AA for few levels. Follow
good BB players in small BB's and watch what they do. Use the AA to chop aircraft to leech up.

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    10. 31. 2009 19:51

First and foremost, your gunners are behind your BO.

Not a good sign.

Go back and start up a new line. It'll help you get the crucial 14 sailors you need for
the L2/QV and it'll help your gunners catch up.

That should buy you some additional time in Blitz before your gunners clock you out.

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    10. 31. 2009 19:18

The Dunk is not a good ship to use if you've just gotten a Revenge. The Dunk's spread is
just awful with lowbie gunners and had me hating the ship for a long, long time. Once I
levelled past a POW, though, the Dunk got better.

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    10. 31. 2009 19:08

County can actually mount decent AA? I do well enough with the QF HA 4" in Blitz,
but I was under the impression that that was just because I was only shooting T1
planes, and not because the guns were any good.

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    10. 31. 2009 18:36

Take one step back, to the County, and get good at AA. This is for several reasons (in no
particular order).

1. You can allow your support crew to catch up to your BO and gunners. Remember, an
end-game UK crew has 14 sailors. That's 8 or 10 supports you'll be wanting.

2. It's much easier to get exp, and you won't be penalized because you'll get 100% shared
exp instead of 80% shared and 20% based off your attack.

3. You might take a bit longer to reach QE (which is a fine ship), but when you do, you'll
have more experts on your crew than if you'd have done the whole grind in the Revenge.
That means better spread, better SD, and, most importantly, better reload.

4. You'll win more games, because it's easier to be above average in a CA than it is in a
BB1. The better you are compared to the average for your ship class, the more influence
you'll have on any given game, and the higher your win rate will be.

5. You'll learn a valuable skill that will come in handy later, and it might gain you the
respect of other BB drivers, too.

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    10. 31. 2009 17:55

Try the Dunkerque

It is better than the Revenge. With significantly more range. But you will need to spend
some money on those sailors if you want to group those shots.

I started a second BO (and 4 more) so I can have a range of types of game.

Still normally get owned in GB though. You could also do AA or ASW with a smaller ship if
that is more interesting.

  • Re : Returning after a year, discouraged again already

    10. 31. 2009 14:55

Unfortunately, BB1's just can't do much in a Great Battle.

1. Are your gunners Boosted, Vetted, and Experted? If not, than you should spend a bit of
money to do so. This will greatly enhance your playing experience, since then you'll at
least be able to hit the broad side of a barn.

2. Stick close to one of the bigger BB's. Don't hang back too far, but don't stray out if
front to where you make yourself a target either. When you see an enemy battleship, wait
until they both start firing at each other, then rush forward to get him in range and
start blasting away. Don't bother trying to run if you start taking hits. Once you rush
in, you're committed, and you'd best kill the enemy before he turns his attention to you.

3. Also, if you notice there are no scouts around you and that the enemy is blind, that
would be a good time to rush in as well. You have to play a BB1 sort of sneaky in order to
be effective.

4. Make sure you're using the proper guns for the Revenge, (I don't recall what they are
at this very moment, but there are threads dealing with the various setups). Don't use
deck armor, maybe some bulge, yadda yadda yadda...

5. Last but not least, yes, a BB1 is really frustrating. You just have to count on luck
and good timing in order to do damage. Continue attacking CA's or whatever strays into
range, then rush in for all your worth when you get the chance.