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  • Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 02. 2009 09:46

Well it has been 3+ years since I last played NF. And of course after so much inactivity
my old crews are long gone (which for the most part isn't a bad thing b/c my gunners
despite being in the 70s were crap and were not skill matched). So starting from scratch
with all I remember/know isn't the worst thing in the world. Also I will not be playing a
ton, so having a crew that is BB ready in a months time isn't a concern. But obviously I
want to be leveling a solid crew for gunship duty. I'll be leveling two BOs for the time
being. Not to sure about the York vs. Edin decision, played both and always loved the
York... but when I got into the BBs it was tough going. Not to mention feeling hurt when I
got kicked out of BB1 rooms in a Repulse. And not having enough credits to armor my
Nelson... so I ran it armorless in BB123 rooms.

My questions.

1. To be effective CL/CA type player what is the mix of support crew needed. Somehow I
remember 4 restore/2-3 repair/as many engineers as possible.

2. AA gunners. TBH I never spent much time learning how to AA and I never got the hang of
it, but with the 5.25 RP10s on an Emerald it is an attractive option for doing something
different. The AA gunners given in the game are 9/9/11 or so stat wise. Would I be better
off rolling for 10/11 or better gunners and making those my AA gunners?

3. ASW. So I read a few of the threads on that, but how do subs work in this game. And are
the UK subs worth getting? Again the AAW/ASW Emerald sounds like a lot of fun to play with.

Thanks in advance

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 17. 2009 08:26

I checked into restoring my old account and unfortunately it would mean losing my current
account. Seeing as many of those sailors had crap stats starting fresh seems like the best

Back to my Q class to get that 2nd BO up to 26.

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 16. 2009 11:11

I've made pretty decent progress playing in a mix of Blitz and GB rooms..... still seeing
the same noob stuff in game that I saw 3+ years ago, so I guess things don't change much.

Thus far I've leveled one BO to 32 and the other to 21. With main gunners, support, pilot
and secondary gunners coming around well. I am still somewhat lacking on my support crews
but I am going to wait to roll those guys when I have a few extra points to burn.

My only frustration is that I don't really feel like leveling my lvl 21 BO. Now the Q is a
good ship, but frankly it is kinda boring to play. Not the mention its gun arcs are
frustrating. I wonder if moving to the Tribal would fix some of that, but I never really
used it before and it has the rep of not being much of an improvement. That said I do
enjoy using the Emerald. I am glad they fixed what was wrong with it originally. Fast and
packs a good punch... just wish it didn't have shot gun spread.

Good suggestion about getting old sailors out of storage. I didn't even know that was an
option. My UK gunners were crap... completely mismatched back from when I did'nt know what
I was doing. But the BOs, pilots, and supports were halfway decent if I remember
correctly. Plus I think I had saved my KM crew... mid to high 30s. So I could play with
the K-berg and M-pro.

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 14. 2009 02:50

Aren't your crew in storage? Can't you send in a support ticket to get'em back?

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 13. 2009 21:11

Welcome back! :P

First of all we got new game modes, Blitz, GB and the soon to come back GB2. So leveling
shouldn't be as hard :P.

For UK the support crew should look something along these lines
2 BO
2 Gunners
3-4 Reps (if using 3 rep - need high base and 150 vets on each to reach repair cap,
otherwise at 100 vets on each u need 4 reps)
6-7 Engies (running 3 reps = running 7 engies but if ur running 4 reps = running 6 engies)
1 Scout

As for UK AA - oh boy this is a tough one...personally I didn't level AA gunners, I just
used my normal gunners and used 5.25 RP10 Ds.

ASW - not many people running ASW, although it can be fun as hell (personally nothing
beats getting revenge on subs with a DD)

However, as someone else mentioned the new nation France will be arriving soon maybe a
month or so, so maybe u want to level a non-BB crew (CV or SS) first and give France a try
when it comes.

Best of luck!

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 06. 2009 19:35

oops sorry, i meant go IJN cv line if u dont like grinding :)

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 05. 2009 12:27

The more I think about it the more I will probably not pursue a sub crew. For as little as
I play/will be playing I will simply never level up a decent enough crew for a sub, in
addition to a gunship line. And I don't want to pay for a premium account again.

So for now I am leveling my UK crew and working on my 2nd BO at the moment as I stair step
them up so they can both operate the Q.

Now the French stuff does sound interesting. But as with all things NF with have little to
know info on what to expect at this moment. Nothing but rumors, half-truths, and people
freaking out over what may or may not happen re: balance, price, etc....

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 05. 2009 00:58

uk subs are actually pretty nice (*disclaimer: i haven't actually played them) since they
are the ONLY ss3 to get 6 front tubes. Somewhere in the middle on individual torp dmg and
sub maneuverability though.

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 04. 2009 23:55

lol ijn cv line is Easy depends lol

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 02. 2009 19:59

Seriously the IJN cvs probably need the least amount of grinding

  • Re : Returning to the game -- restarting my UK crews

    11. 02. 2009 19:34

dont waste your time on UK yet, wait a month or so till French navy comes out, till then
screw around in a sub or a CV. Who knows, FN might be good.

for SS, go either IJN (powerfull) or KM ( 1-2 knots faster, proximity torpedos)
dont think about us or uk for subs.

for CV, go UK if you prefer TB and pompoms
KM , they have decent ftrs and db, and they have spam AA
US, overall good ftr,tb,db, not so great AA. the guns are useless in the AA role unless u
can spam. (most people dont spam in USN)
IJN... good db and tb... i wouldnt go IJN CV unless u dont like grinding....

but yeah if i were u i would definatley wait till FN comes out :D

edited the above^^
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