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  • Missions for the Higher Levels

    10. 24. 2005 04:48

Over almost the course of a year, the only good mission NavyFIeld had was the one where you had to face a couple of BBs with REAL guns and CVs. But you guys removed that in like...March. Then you started making training missions for newbies, I agree that it is helpful. Then you started making FF anhilation mission capped at 15, and Armed FF Anhilation capped at 30 (I think). And that's basically a year's worth of work on the missions. Maybe you guys could spend a little more time on making missions that actually involve teamplay instead of missions where only 1 or 2 players are allowed to participate, we should have missions where at least 20 people can participate and go against a LOT of enemy vessels.

  • Re : Missions for the Higher Levels

    10. 24. 2005 05:01

mm, this game is really meant to be a player vs player game. Most missions are there for training purposes.

However I think that some high lvl missions would at least be interesting....

Babs out!

  • Re : Missions for the Higher Levels

    10. 24. 2005 04:56

agree.. recommanded

  • Re : Missions for the Higher Levels

    10. 24. 2005 04:50

I agree