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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Ryujo + Anti sub guns, worth it?

    11. 04. 2009 05:47

Just got my ryujo, and put 2 anti sub guns, been thinking about it, is it worth?
becouse the anti air i can use my shinden, wich are not bad, and the humping dds i
can use my tbs from a distance. so, is it that bad to use it?

  • Re : Ryujo + Anti sub guns, worth it?

    11. 04. 2009 20:52

bve is important too

I can take on km t3s with my bve t2s :D

  • Re : Ryujo + Anti sub guns, worth it?

    11. 04. 2009 18:54

Duel 3's
4 binds AA
2 binds HHE

  • Re : Ryujo + Anti sub guns, worth it?

    11. 04. 2009 16:59

I wouldn't do it,only weapons i'd put on a Ryujo is Dual 3.9A DP Guns (Of course you
need AA Gunners for that) which are useful for both killing humping DD's and AAing
to kill the T3 Campers or Bomber wave coming to put you out of your misery.

And if you're pilots aren't level 60 yet and you got another ship line (Or a Fleetmate
willing to do it for you),level them up to 60 so you can use T2 planes,which will make
things easier for you,not powerful enough to take out zeh uber T3's,but more speed
and more firepower will make killing scouts and bombers much easier,plus you have
more sight range if you decide to camp the enemy battleline.

But of course this is just me.

  • Re : Ryujo + Anti sub guns, worth it?

    11. 04. 2009 16:01

If you're going to be an effective CV, you should..

1: Use normal fighters. I know its hard going up against lvl 100+ T3s, but learn to
micro ur fighters to AVOID these beasts and scout for your BBs as well as keep
bombers off of them.

2: TBs should be used to take out crippled ships, and yes if u see a DD being
ignored by your BBs breaking into the backfield, throw some TBs his way.

Finally, HH are effective anti submarine weapons (when theyr submerged, if theyr
surfaced TB them..) but also , depending on how many hits u land, are effective
against small ***SMALL*** DDs. I can't recal how much damage they deal but I
think its near 400~500 (correct me if I'm wrong..)
