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  • The Mighty Hood

    11. 04. 2009 07:03

quick questions:
how to use it?
compared to the vanguard?
ups and downs?

(details: BO@lvl, crew @lvl, gunners+10lvls on ship)

plz and Thank you

  • Re : The Mighty Hood

    11. 18. 2009 22:00

I agree the search for "Hood" will yield many great Hood threads, however I want to see
one with updated patch info, because I have played since before the latest patch when the
hood was not that line to go. And POW was the way to go.

However I am really liking the Hood now post patch even though I don't know all the things
that changed since the latest update.

  • Re : The Mighty Hood

    11. 04. 2009 14:09

Since you seem new to the forums. Click under royal navy and at top search hood. You
questions as been answered in a ton of threads, and some make interesting reading(lot of
good tips some might not re-post here.). (under subject type hood).

  • Re : The Mighty Hood

    11. 04. 2009 08:44

Depens on where you want to play it.

In GBs, it's a very hard ship to use at level. Your spread is not great, your hitbox is
huge and your damage isn't great either, which is pretty much exactly the opposite of what
you would want in a BB2/3 in a GB :D

But it's still usable. Heck it's quite fun in fact. The 2x15" Mark 3 Ls are the "right"
guns for the ship and provide the best range with best speed. I used the triple 16" for a
game, and found the bad spread + bad speed bad enough to make it not worthwhile(thats with
120 gunners).

And yea, dont armor the ship. Like the previus posters said, 0.3 belt with enough bulge to
keep 25 base.

Try picking who to fight. It excels at fighting other BB3s and smaller. Dont bumrush BB4/5s :D

  • Re : The Mighty Hood

    11. 04. 2009 08:29

both bismark and more so, Opro 2 are vastly better BB3's. that being said, The Hood is
certainly an Awesome BB3 compared to every other (than those I mentioned) in game.

my advice = stay fast, stay at range, and stay alive.

  • Re : The Mighty Hood

    11. 04. 2009 07:42

How to use it ? like a KM ship, hit and run playstyle, use your speed.
armour ? .3belt and bulge without losing any knt.
guns ? the RP12L, not sure of their new name, mark III L right ? or 16" if u want to be a
mini monty, uber power but bad range, bad speed, bad spread.
compared to the vanguard ? similar playstyle, but the vanguard has more range, same power,
more durability, less speed.

ups ? untouchable by other bb3- excepted bismark if played right (run run run), many
scouts, 30deg guns
downs ? big, fat, HUGE hitbox if you go in a straight line. harder to play than nelly.