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  • My 1st cv

    11. 05. 2009 16:05

I just got the cv attacker. Thing is i am not finding alot out about the ship in any
forums or web sights. I did find one that told me how to use planes(more then one
at a time). But it and so many other places are not showing me what slots are what.
I see there is 5 slots besides the captian. I do have 5 pilots but which slot controlls
what planes and so on? Or does it matter where the pilots go?

  • Re : My 1st cv

    12. 10. 2009 08:14

::there's a possibility that your fighter won't be able to secure your own ship in some
For example : While you're refueling your bomber.
Busy scouting in critical moment.
Airbroned fighters defeated by higher lv enemies.
Runs up fuel~~~ (Most annoying)
And you don't want you launching plan to be disturbs by enemys fighter anyway .

If you're refuelling bombers, chances are if your waiting for the opposing CV to just
fly it's stuff away, you're never gonna launch another plane as your AA won't be able
to down all the enemy fighters if they're paying attention.

If you're 'busy scouting', you can't AA (as if you're AA'ing, you're not managing your

If you want to AA, get an Emerald/Emden

::But even though , i would never , never recommand anyone to mount engineers on
a CV , as engineer works only on support sailor slots , it is a disappointment that CV
nowadays seems to never fill up all the support slots with pilot , instead , other
crews , which meaning that the CV itself is not in 100% efficiency.::

PCV's and CV6's have 9 support slots, you can only use 8. As I don't think that
medics or seaman are worth the effort currently, then obviously an Engineer and
repairers are the obvious choice and having a CV that can outrun and out OH a sub,
or to get out of trouble when your flank fails in a GB is worth far more to me

  • Re : My 1st cv

    12. 10. 2009 05:58

1. UK cv's don't get T slots till MUCH later.

2. PCV and CV6 always have a spare support slot.

3. minimum 4 fps. minimum 2 bombers. (tb for preference since UK has best tbs)

you can use a maximum of 8 pilots. you will need to fill 12 slots for cv6 (9 support, 1
BO, 2 T slots)

  • Re : My 1st cv

    12. 10. 2009 04:47

there's a possibility that your fighter won't be able to secure your own ship in some

For example : While you're refueling your bomber.
Busy scouting in critical moment.
Airbroned fighters defeated by higher lv enemies.
Runs up fuel~~~ (Most annoying)

And you don't want you launching plan to be disturbs by enemys fighter anyway .

But although mounting AAs on CV were never a bad idea , the oppoturnately (Sorry
if i spell it wrong) cost is too great as these two gunner slot has more value than
those AA guns were.

But even though , i would never , never recommand anyone to mount engineers on
a CV , as engineer works only on support sailor slots , it is a disappointment that CV
nowadays seems to never fill up all the support slots with pilot , instead , other
crews , which meaning that the CV itself is not in 100% efficiency.

  • Re : My 1st cv

    12. 09. 2009 04:47

I personally recommend 4-6 fighters, 4 TB's (a couple of DB's if you're so inclined as a
change of pace), a couple of repairers and an Engineer (no, they aren't useless, or a
joke when they get to high-lvl's, being to outrun a sub or else get the hell outa dodge
when a flank fails in a GB, or retreat quickly in a HA as opposed to losing your ship is
important). Medics and Seaman are a matter of taste imo. Sonarman? Meh I've got one
at lvl 65, but it only gets used occasionally in GB's.

AA gunners? thats what your fighters are for...

  • Re : My 1st cv

    12. 08. 2009 11:00

No , aircraft ability does NOTHING so don't even bother it.

Just focus on fighter ability , it's all you needed for air domination.

Cv crew setup is all depends on your own.

Yet i would only advice that your fighter should always have a base of +12 fight and
bombers with +12 bombing . Like what i've said above , aircraft does nothing so you
could ignore it.

But beware that a CV5 got 9 (or 10 i forgot) support slot , so you'll have to return to
blitz once you've reach like cv3~4 if you wanted to have full crews for maximum

Notice that in current games (GB mostly), Fighter were always the best aircraft
compare to bombers. (Taking down planes gives you more exp and credits compare
to bombing enemy ships , and blinding enemy team gives your friends a huge

Seaman does boost your pilots ability a little bit , but i prefer using medics on my
gunner slot (medic does works on gunner slot) , because without them , i'll lost like
30 experts and 5 vets in a day in my CV5.

I currently got 8 fighter pilots , 4 dive bombers , 2 TB bombers & 2 medics in my
harbor , and with my CV5 i usually mount 8 fighters in my support and 2 medics on
my gunner slot for air dominationary.

But still , the setup is really depends on your style. You could go bomber whore if
you like , or only mount 1 pilot on your cv if you like either. But if you asked me which
setup i've used have most fun of it , i would say "fighter whore with medics."

Also have to note that , pilots can't use a plane that requires higher level than him.
So don't expect all of your crew would be able to use the same plane if only one of
them were high enough to be available for using a new type of plane.

List of sailors that linked to CV :
Medic - Works on both support and gunner.
Reduce crew death rate. (Recommand)
Seaman - Works on both support and gunner.
Increase all sailors abilities (sightly).
Restore/Repair - Works on both support and gunner.
Makes your ship lives longer , but they don't helps on your journey of air-fighting.

Pilots (Ft,Db,Tb,Scout) - Only works in support slot.
Your main crew , the more you got on your ship , the more planes you could airbrone
at the same time.
Engine - Works only in support.
Faster your ship , it's a joke if you use it on a cv.
Airlift - Works only in support.
Parachuter , works with transport planes from DB pilots , IN HARBOR ASSAULT ONLY.
Sonarman - Works only in support
Detect submarines ... if you bother.

Gunner (or AA gunner) - Works only in gunner.
Enemy's fighter blockading / camping your ship is annoying , mounting AAs on your
ship would solve this problem , but it's uneffective since most CVs only got 3 gunslot
per side of the ship.

  • Re : My 1st cv

    11. 11. 2009 22:37

love your avatar Ewood...

I would like to think the aircraft may have to do with how well the planes respond to
changing directions and flight routes. etc. etc. who knows?

  • Re : My 1st cv

    11. 11. 2009 20:51

As far as I know, fighter effects how much damage they can deal, bomber effects how tough
they are, and one has any clue what aircraft does.

  • Re : My 1st cv

    11. 09. 2009 08:17

Most important stat for fighters is, well, fighter, the higher the stat in that, the better.
Any other stat is of a secondary importance imo

  • Re : My 1st cv

    11. 09. 2009 07:32

In this way, i have another question:

풵hat stat affect to fighters?
I have fighters with Aircraft 11 and Figther 12, and the Elite Fighters are Aircraft 9 and
Figthers 13... 풹ircraft value is really important?

  • Re : My 1st cv

    11. 06. 2009 15:57

TY guys. That did it. Thing is though i find stuff on everything but. But this did it.
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