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  • Hood or nelson

    11. 28. 2009 05:46

well i think the hood is the best looking bb in the game and nelson is ugly but idk
which one to choose when i get there plz post pros, cons any thing else to be
helpful thanks guys

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 29. 2009 11:16

It appears that Lukas is late on the scene.

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 29. 2009 06:30

Two words.
That's all what is needed as answer in this topic.

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 29. 2009 02:15

It doesn't combine range and firepower because it cannot have both at the same time...
play with dual : you have range but not power.
play with 4 nelson 3*16 guns : you have power and mid range, but you are SO SLOW.
play with 4 hood 3*16 guns : you have power and low range, mid speed.
play with 4 quad 14 L (pow) : LOL, range, power, but low speed.

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 29. 2009 02:08

Up to your play style. Playing the Hood at lvl can be hard but it does help u in the
future. Put trip 16's on it with decent gunners and ull be easily taking out bb5's (still
need to apply common rules though). The Hood though has to wait for the right time to
rush. THe nelson is a ship that can take and dish damage, but does suffer from not having
a scout.
In all the Hood is a better choice as it combines the Firepower of the Nelson and the
range of the duels

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 28. 2009 22:13

Maybe you guys should do some research before assuming which ship is better do
to firepower.

Hood has one more turret availible, as well as more gun space (68 to be exact..)

Hood has a few difficulties, and a few cons and so does the Nelson.
It's a larger ship, with the two gun turrets on each end of the ship spread farther
apart with a larger midship construction.

The Nelson, is a smaller ship with all turrets in the front of it in a 3 gun configuration.
This makes it more ideal for rushing..

The Hood can equip more guns thn the Nelson, like the Mark III L's. Yet it can't hold
as much armor as the Nelson..

The Nelson is more of an in your face ship, with the Hood being a Line sort of ship.

Play by your style.. I wrote this quickly because i'm playing another game. Use the
search button for more stuff, sorry...

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 28. 2009 14:25

Yes please take the hood, we need more food in GB...

Hood has slightly more range, is 2 times bigger, has half the firepower and a few knt more
than nelson. (ah, the scouts too)
It is a km-like ship, but it lacks reload, range and OH.

In BB 123 rooms, I can imagine it is a better ship because of its range and speed, but in
a GB environment, nelson >> hood because his durability and firepower are really better.

But if you really want a km-like ship and plan to get L1 and not vanguard, you should take
the hood to have some variety in your shipyard.

my personal conclusion is the nelson will give you a lot more fun in GB than hood, because
you have at least 3 viable setups and its a way more durable and power full ship, and you
will be quickly frustrated with the food, ooops hood sorry.

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 28. 2009 14:23


Get both. Both are great ships.

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 28. 2009 09:04

"but lawl hoodd sux cuz it haz t3h big sizes n stuff + nelly can lik armor n stuffz"

Hood > Nelly, save the quads and armor for the Lions.

  • Re : Hood or nelson

    11. 28. 2009 06:24

You should search... this has been covered in great detail... BUT

Get the Hood. Its far better of a BB3 provided you have, or can develop some talent. You
will be a better BB player once you get to the higher tiers if you use the hood.