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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Yamato Ownership

    12. 23. 2009 07:38

Ah yes, I finally have the level91 gunners for my Yammy so I've just started playing it.
I read carefully Krauts' post and all of the responses and advice.

Just starting out I'm getting easily owned and the ship is SLOW. I think I probably
need to grind my supports up a bit and play around in the mini-Yammy (B65) or
Nagato. Fuso 16" tactics are completely different.

Here are my issues:
(1) I'm a noob
(2) speed is 24/36 with 3 level87 bve engies...I'm guessing that this is a fail for the
(3) I have to learn not to run as the tail of the yammy is a shell landing pad
(4) Yammy seems to be a magnet for rushing UK SW ships, Yammy seems to be a
magnet for everyone's attention
(5) AA is far too much fun and I think this is distracting, although it provides lots of
credits which I am not getting from being pwned. Ability to wipe the skies clean of
entire squadrons before the CV even knows they are under fire.

So the question is, should I be patient and wait a few more levels in Naggy/B65/Fuso
to get supports or should I just suffer through and help everyone else in NF level up
by scoring hits on a bb4? I.e. What is the optimum level to start playing Yammy?


  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    01. 06. 2010 15:32

Yes, Montys are deadly against BB4s, slightly careless BB5s, and even BB6s. As you will
most likely be ranged by him if you line battle, try to position yourself outside his
range but near him to bait him to turn in and face you. Once he turns in, you should
fire. You could try waiting 1 sec longer, but if he gets to your 39 degree, then you will
most likely not come out of that chase alive, unless your teammate(s) save you. As you
know, Yam is slow and its rear is big.

But yup, in short, key to playing Yam is bait and run. Often times BB5s will not take the
Yam seriously enough, and will think they can get inside your range, sink you, and still
live. Let them think that, but don't let them do that. Fire at the tip of your max range
and run simultaneously (or very soon after). Let the hang time bridge the gap between
BB45 range. And once you're outside his range, AA down any nearby planes. Most scouts
are easy, as they are always at around 27-28 (or 30-36 if you're at the halfway point of
your AA's max range).

Remember: play Yam with patience. Avoid ships bigger than you. AA. Run and gun. Once
you get speed capped SY, and you've proven that you can do well with Yam, then you will
really show people how good you are.

Good luck.

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    01. 06. 2010 07:36

Thank you all very much for the great advice. Now I'm almost not a liability to my team
in the Yammy. The key to Yammy really is a blind enemy. I feel like Yammy's nemesis is
the Monty. Monty's can easily one-shot you if you are not paying attention.

Yammy is a lot of fun, I must say. Stressful though as you are very big target.

Oh, the other nice thing I discovered about yammy is that every once in awhile you will
attract an escort ship or two which clears the skies for you and keep subs at bay. A
true luxury. A BB4 can own with a good escort.

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    01. 05. 2010 03:44

All BB4-6 are the magnet.......not just yamato, try to get more vet for support and
level up them in yamato

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    01. 03. 2010 15:33

Each person who posted gave some solid advice. Try different play styles and use what
suits you.

Personally, I would suggest you try to play with your Y, unless you believe that you
really are not contributing anything to the team. Two basic reasons are: 1, if you can
handle your Y as it is now, then you will have no trouble using it when its improved. 2,
Y gives you 1 more support slot, use it. You're 2 supports short of BB6, so having each
extra support slot will help a lot in leveling your crew, otherwise it will take longer.

The three essential tips are: 1, use your range effectively and wisely. 2, know as many
angles as possible. 3, know what is around you.

The first tip can be broken into many subcategories. For now, two of the basic ones are
(A) ships you range, and (B) ships you don't range. For ships you range, use your max
range as much as possible. For ships you don't range, make sure they are blind, or move
around them so that they lose their range advantage. You can do that either by rushing
in, or kiting, or any way you think would be good at the time.

The second tip is straight forward. If you know all your angles well, which also factors
in hang time, ship speed (regular and OH), then you will be able to hit more accurately.
This also means that if you break through and fight an enemy at an angle he's not familiar
with, you'll be able to damage him more than he will be able to damage you.

The third tip is also straight forward. In short, you should: 1, know what is around you
that you can see on the radar. 2, know what is around you that is not on the radar (such
as submerged subs and ships in the shadows).

These are the very basic tips. However, once you get more familiar with your Y, then you
will realize that there is a lot of nuance within these basic categories. The tips to
staying alive are good judgment, experience, and understanding what your chips are (how
good you are, how good your teammates are, how good your opponents are, etc.).

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    01. 02. 2010 01:59

I had almost same problems with at level iowa. It was slow as crap, you can't run because
everyone will catch up with you, you can't rush anyone because you lack the speed and oh
time. You basically sit (float) and wait for people to eat you.

I solved it by skipping BB4 (only did 2 levels in it) and reached BB5 using BB3. When you
get crew to BB5 level (no AA, 5 engineers, 4 repairers), the BB4's are pretty awesome.

Yammy is perfect target for sw ships. It is big, slow, 45 degree guns need a lot of
practice to hit fast moving ship - not many people have that. Each time I was using socrap
and saw at level yammy, I went for it because it was free XP. If I had to choose from
shooting yammy or iowa or lion or h39, I always choose yammy, then h39/lion and iowa at least.

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    01. 01. 2010 23:46

3/3 is fine, he need to lvl 4/4 for his amagi.

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    01. 01. 2010 16:33

U running a yamato with 3-3? Wow. If u get 2 engs more u would be fine. :) I am pretty sure

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    12. 28. 2009 14:38

Well i am at lvl too. Non bve crew (just gunners). My Speed is even worse than
yours and my sd is at like 700 i think. I was very amazed by that ship.

Maybe i need to mention that i am a Km player used to the "super awesome"
lowangles. Elite Crew all bve.

Yet i had only very good games 80+ only considered my crappy crew i think thats
quite good imo. Especialy the high 45 Angles are like uber range if you do it rigth.
They can also be a curse of couse. These angles combined with running tactics from
km a a very good playstlye and the yamato even at lvl is a very good ship. even my
aa with early classed dp gunners (traded one`s) are able to kill 80% of the incoming
planes :D

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    12. 28. 2009 12:58

First of all you should learn the angles by shooting alot, run with 4 binds of HE and just
shoot at anything within range. Note that the angles 40-45 are much the same, but still
very important to vary. I end up mostly at 42 when something breaks from line and rushes
me, only use 45 when you know they are sure to be turning back again. If youre fighting
ships where you have a good range advantage, use 40 degrees and below to reduce hangtime
and get better hits.

Learn where to aim to get good hits, you dont have to adjust alot for the hangtime, my
shots often hit midship.

You also shouldnt be line fighting much, either you should be rushing or you should be
dragging enemies. Note that to range approaching bb5s, you need to be going 2 ship
"clicks" away from them to range them decently, only km can hold the line against higher
tier bbs.

As for AA, I never turn my attention to aa unless I got a 5 sec warning on other ships
approaching me, so I got some buffer to react if enemy rush while youre busy with planes.
Be paranoid, if youre blind and aaing, always run away. If youre actively fighting other
bbs, dont try to shoot planes above you, its a waste of time, use golden angles for
different heights instead.

  • Re : Yamato Ownership

    12. 27. 2009 00:20

Hiya, I'm not actually an IJN player but as a UK L1 player I can maybe give you some tips
on how to counter a rushing UK ship.

1) A UK ship HAS to rush you, since you have more range than it, use this to your advantage.
2) a SW UK ship has no armour, pound it with your HE, dropping from 45 degree angle those
shells HURT...
3) an AW UK ship HAS armour, still pound it with HE at max angle, cuz it'll penetrate
armour :D And being armoured they are slower :P Enjoy picking away at them.
4) Be smart with your play, a UK BB, at least a good one won't generally bum rush you for
no reason, they'll only bum rush you when they see someone making a mistake (losing
situational awareness, engaging other BBs etc). If you remain vigilant and remain calm and
land the big salvo on a rushing SW UK ship u should have an easier time.

Good luck
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