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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • BB kongo support help

    12. 23. 2009 20:37

So , I'm currently grinding to get to Kongo and yet I get troubled of what supports I
should have for my first Battleship. People often tell me mostly engies and a few
reps with no restores. How many of each should I have?

  • Re : BB kongo support help

    12. 23. 2009 23:55

Just lv up whatever u need, it cant make big diference on kongo lvls.

  • Re : BB kongo support help

    12. 23. 2009 23:44

IJN low level supports generally suck unless you got 80+ vets and alot of other
prenium stuff.

I'd just make sure you have a scout, and rotate your other crew to make sure their
the same level, what makes them up doesn't really matter.

Though if you're not at-level, then I'd suggest either engie/rep/scout 2/2/1 or 3/1/1
depending on the level of your engineers.

  • Re : BB kongo support help

    12. 23. 2009 20:41

Generally aiming for 2 reps 5 ngs, maybe a 3rd rep or if you really need a 6th ng.
For the Kongo, don't remember how many slots, but the AA slots can be filled with 2
reps unless you'd really like to level the dp gunners alongsides. Either case, don't
run AA on it less you're really just that bored. For the supports, I'm assuming it's
either 5-6 slots, 1 scout, 4 ngs would probably be best, possibly another ng if it is 6.