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  • Smaller HA's

    12. 29. 2009 19:12

Ok, so here is the idea. In WW2, there were many important naval ports, and bases
that were not just major nation based. Lybia, Midway, Phillipines, etc. What i am
suggesting is the addition of more harbor assaults, but on a smaller scale than the
present ones. Perhaps even on a differant day.
Let's say it is a 1 hour assault. 1/2 the number of tiles, with a 20 ship per team limit,
4 cv limit. We could add like 8 ports with historical significance for this. There are
plenty to chose from. Midway is an excellent example, as if it would have been taken
by the japanese, it could have been a major invasion launching point for them. The
same goes for the phillipines. etc.
These could be on a sunday, and a 2 port limit of ownership per fleet. Even perhaps
just 1 to give a lot more fleets the option of owning one.

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 24. 2011 22:11

Well How about an Event sorta Clan wars but defending / attacking harbor at clan area?

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 24. 2011 16:57

lets resorect this from the dead :P

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 09. 2011 23:48

I recommend this because of the small dedicated fleet's like SSGS who do not have
the volume of Relic, Jedi... etc that can participate and own a small harbour

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 09. 2011 16:21

i like the idea generally but i have some thoughts that would improve it over all
A-How many "ports". i hear 7 or 8 those are both good numbers. 7 would mean a port for
each nation (us,uk,ijn,km,mn,sn, and rs(italy))
8 is possible though add in a neutral port
B-what would the benefits be? this one has a few options but there is 2 main ideas i like
-Rentals- i really dont like the idea of them having the harbor rental but instead 2 lower
level rentals they would be a CL and BB1 for each rent you have instead of the amount of
battles you rent it for a day
-tax half the harbor tax
-free repair no
-reduced 25% ship price
-free repair
-reduced cost(ships,guns,ammo,torps,launchers,engines, FCS,remodel)
tax 3/4ths the harbor tax
C-squares instead of 25 have another square number thats lower 16 or 10
D-how many can a fleet have either a harbor and a port or 2 ports
E-battles 25 ship total 4 cvs,16 bb,8 sub limits

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 09. 2011 14:07

I like the idea, wether it will be implemented becuase of the additional French,Itilian,
and Russian harbors that will come out when they fix HA bugs. I think the best thing
would be for their to be 7 ports. Seven ports would be needed becuase there will be 7
nations (US,UK,IJN,KM,MN,ITILIAN,RUSSIAN).These fleets that own the ports would get
following items.
-Free repair of that nation
-Small percentage of credit income from that nations main harbor lets say 25-50%
-And of course the pride and bragging rights for owning something, which might be the
greatest of these perks.

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 09. 2011 12:07

The thing wrong with a fleet being able to own a harbor and a port and it being only 4
ports every fleet that owns a harbor will most likely own the ports should be either
limited to only 1 harbor or 2 ports per fleet or have more than 4 ports.

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 09. 2011 10:17

i had a similar idea some months ago
like a mini HA
i send this to vick11
what about secondary harbor for already existing nations
that can get rentals up to BB3 and reduce repair cost by 50%
it can be:
Hong Kong for UK
Pearl Harbor for US
Oslo (?) for KM
Manila (?) for IJN
(you guys can suggest better historical locations)

mi proposal:
- they should be extreamly hard to defend (they should be in 4th or even 3th tile)
so big mega fleets are not very tempted to get one and leave this to smaller fleets

- rentals up to BB3, 50% repair deduction

- you can own just 1 secondary harbor at time

- fleets with a primary harbor can not own a secondary harbor

- however a fleet with a secondary harbor can declare war to a primary harbor, if they win
the primary harbor, secondary harbor will be declared vacant (this part can be deleted
depending of feedback, max number of harbor will be 2 regardless they are primary or
secondary )

- limited number of mines in harbor tile

- lower harbor DP (50% or 75% of a normal one)

- smaller fleets can participate in the best ingame experience (harbor assault) (this will
reduce players quitting game)

- more variety of HA war time, so all arround fleets can find the best harbor for his timezone

- 1:30 or 1:00 duration

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    01. 09. 2011 09:53

bump, but
uhhh, how do you have 1/2 of 25?

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    05. 01. 2010 12:43

A good point for smals fleet clans.Recommanded +17

  • Re : Smaller HA's

    05. 01. 2010 12:31

Great idea. Recommended.
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