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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 29. 2009 20:03

my gunner now is 83
i can use nagato and ise
which one should i use ?
because ise has more gunsbut it just has 18400DP
but nagato has 23000DP.However nagato has better gunns
So which one should i use?

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 30. 2009 19:08

22/38 is very impressive indeed, I wish I could get over 170% overheat.

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 30. 2009 18:24

The Nagato is a fun ship but it can be a little frustrating at times. I always find myself
just a LITTLE out of range or just a TAD too slow. The Fuso is just a bull in a china
shop. Not much to say, just wait till they can't see and start dropping 16" shells of love
on them.

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 30. 2009 17:34

The thing about Ise is that the 4 rear turrnets have great arcs of fire. If a sub is
directly behind you, you can run away and still bring 4 of your turrents to bear down
on the sub. With the 16D reload, the Ise does very when chased by a sub - or if you
need to run away from any ship. It light shells hit good too.

Now Nagato has better range as it can use the 16Ls on it. Also, I found that as my
crew got heavier and heavier - the 16D Ise slowed down to a 22 knts. Whereas that
same crew on a Nagato, the speed is 25/41 with bulge. Still not great, but better
than 22/38. Nagato is definantly run and shoot ship. Yes the Nagato has more DP,
but for some reason also seems to be not as fragile as the Ise.

Overall, Ise and Fuso are very fun ships to play. However I suspect Nagato will
better prepare you for Yamato (I haven't gotten there yet).

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 30. 2009 15:35

Without threads like this, IJN forums would be a barren wasteland. The Ise is
overall a funner ship, and yes I'm quite aware funner isn't a word yet, less they've
changed it. The raw firepower of it is quite impressive coupled with short reload
times. However it does only have 18.4k dp, which does tend to leave you crippled
after a single well placed shot. The Nagato, is a run and gun ship, the range is alot
better than the Ise with a bit of a damage tradeoff. Personally I'd still play with the
Ise despite it's fragility, though the Nagato isn't that bad, though there's not
anything really special about it.

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 30. 2009 05:23

U should use nagato, it will learn u more than ise.

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 30. 2009 00:44

It depends a little on your support crew, and alot on your playstyle, could you give a
little more information?

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 30. 2009 00:21

you are still looking at DP and number of gun spots at level 80+ Oo?

Nagato is a better ship on paper. But IJN BB2s are fun.

  • Re : ABout bb2 and bb3

    12. 29. 2009 20:06

1. Do you have more than one gunner? You should have one *pair* of gunners, not just
a single gunner.

2. There are stickies that will answer your question for you, read those first.

I'll leave this one open if you have more questions, but do make an effort to look for
answers before you ask such basic questions.