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  • Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 24. 2005 09:32

Hey everyone

Ive complied a list and description of different ideas I and others (from reading)
have made up that would effect battles

This is a popular one and hopefully will come to be eventually. Nighttime
fighting will not only reduce visibility on the computer screen making it harder to see
ships, torps and planes, but will reduce visibility to your ship only allowing you to
see objects at closer range
It will also give a nice lighting effect from explosions and cannons making it feel
more like a nighttime battle

Wind will have two main factors to play, the first being current. With wind
comes strong currents/waves. This will batter your ship a little sometimes throwing it
off course a tad. It will have more effect on your torpedoes though as the waves will
push them around
The second thing wind will effect is the cannon shells. As the cannon's shells
are higher up in the air, the wind becomes stronger therefore blowing them and if
strong enough, changing their trechectory

Rain is hard to see through especially during a storm. A rain storm will also
have the effects of nighttime battle where your visibility is decreased and load time
will take longer as it will be harder for the sailors. In the unfortanate event of a
onboard fire, the rain will help put out that fire allowing your ship to last that much
During a rainstorm your pilots will not be able to take off therefore losing the
ability to launch fighters.
And the nice look of lightening from time to time will add more effect to the
stormy feeling

There are already clouds in the battles but having overcast skys would place
an advantage for pilots. Clouds would be used to hide the pilots as they prepare
their dive bomb, torp run etc

Now how will these elements come into play? Well it could be implemented two
main ways.

1) The host chooses the element type

Or number two (which I prefer)

2) Real time weather where weather changes constantly and moves around the
battle map. Depending on what square (or battle) it is on, the current battle there
will experience that type of weather
This will not only give the element of surprise since you would be faced by a
storm half way through battle but it will also take the load of the hoster since people
cant complain to him/her of 'setting the game to windy or stormy'

Anyways, thanks for reading


  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 27. 2005 05:41

Thanks deathwind

I agree, without a major rewrite of some kind, this game wont be that successful
once it goes retail

But who knows, TeamNF has probably already written the rewrite incorporating all
these ideas and are only going to release it the day they go retail

Thanks again


  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 26. 2005 10:33

I would LOVE this !

This would make the game a real pearl.

"Not going to happen without a major re-write"
...So do the freakin re-write allready...
Consider the suggestions and consider the gains. Make the game more
interresting :)

  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 26. 2005 05:49


Very smart about the Fire idea, Ill put it in on the first post, thanks for the
suggestion :)


  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 26. 2005 04:05

lol ICE ! ! ! ! :P it will by good :) when sea is in ice :P and it is SNOW TIME!! W00t
snow camed down :)

  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 26. 2005 03:28

oo, i just had another idea. do you think that in the stormy weather ships wont burn
as bad and go out quicker

  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 25. 2005 08:24

Yes well without a major rewrite this game cant become retail now can it, unless they are looking for people who wont pay to play


But we have our opinions though I dont appreciate being called a whore for posting up my thoughts


  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 25. 2005 08:18

Good ideas, but:

1) They have been suggested about a zillion times before (you whore).
2) The answer each time has been "Not going to happen without a major re-write".

  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 25. 2005 05:25

Thats very true about the reload times, I will add it to the first post , thanks for the comments :)


  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 24. 2005 13:41

another thing the storms and nighttime can do is make reload longer because the saliors can't see or the waves(storm) make it harder

  • Re : Battle - The Different Conditions

    10. 24. 2005 12:34

Haha sorry for taking your idea, I didnt know

I will recommend yours as payment ;)


[EDIT] You also have some good ideas about Fog and Iceburgs, good job *recommends*
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