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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 06. 2010 17:17

i THink I should use kitami till Ise simply cause I get more damage in kitami and It's
just a waste of BB space since it's only BB1. A full shot from a BB2-3-4 and i'm
crippled, Full shots from Monty L2 and SY and i'm gone. Even worse, My range is
pretty much a CA range. Sux for me eh? I'll get gunners lvl 77+ when I reach Ise
atleast... K .ongo= bad range, bad spread, bad damage, easy target for cvs bbs ss,
and power to only kill bb1s and under.
Kitami= Hell of a damage with each torpedoe hitting each ship without bulge, goo
spread if torping right,easy target for BBs CVs and SSs w/o engineers
What should I grind with?
I want the biggest exp to grind with

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 27. 2010 08:34

"That said I will prolly
use my TW BO to get Ise just to say I got all IJN BB. but for BB, better go down the
gunship line. "

i did an interesting thing with IJN... i've made 3 BOs, 1went TW line, which now is my BB
BO, 1 other went gunship line, which now is my CV, and another one went SS line.

The results u can have doing this: Your BB BO will have full experts as long as it marks
the range of ur guns in it. Whether u want to play TW line when u're high lvl, u can bring
ur SS BO, nerf the rookies on it, and it will fit in ur TW without the problem of weighted
crew. Whether you want to play DD CL CA ships with high lvl, u load ur CV BO, which will
have a handfull of experts or vets enough to mark ur sigh range, and still wont weight in
ur ship aswell. This works wonders in what comes to not having ur low lvl ships with too
much weight ^(except kitakami, but thats a ship i dont like to use lol)

sry for the off-topic :blush:

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 27. 2010 06:45

I personally use the Kita to event coin-farm. I don't have an IJN BB crew (2 IJN CV crews
already) so I just use it for run of the mill grinding and coin farming.

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 27. 2010 02:23

just spammin a TW in GB with a kita assure you 15-20k xp, unless your torp your own team.

I consider the TW line a end in itself, as far as the crew goes. That said I will prolly
use my TW BO to get Ise just to say I got all IJN BB. but for BB, better go down the
gunship line.

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 22. 2010 20:32

Well i have the kita but not that good.

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 16. 2010 14:35

If you're looking to learn go BB. If you're looking to advance sailors go kita.

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 11. 2010 04:21

I agree on the BB1 is to teach you BB play part. Even tho i already have a Kaiser in
my port, im still going to play Kongo just because the angles are completely different
from what im used to. Besides that IJN plays different from KM which is also a reason
not to skip Kongo.

So basically if you wanna be a good BB5 player in IJN: DONT SKIP KONGO
If you wanna be bad at BB5 in IJN: SKIP KONGO

For me the decision is very obvious. Dont yall think?

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 11. 2010 01:37

why not to use kita:

No leveling spot. You want to keep up your crew ya know...BO is the least important of all
sailor. And leveling a kita, you are leveling 2 torper, which aren't needed for a BB. So
that leaves you for a total of 5 leveling spot for your BB crew. The kongo sports in
comparison 7 spot, + the gunners, which makes 9 BB crewmen. thats nearly twice as much.

Also, if its your first BB line, BB1 is there to teach you an hard lesson about how to
play the BB line. Its rough, but go through it successfully and you'll shine with higher
BB. otherwise, flaw that should have been corrected right away will remain, and might
stay. Lots of BB5 are totallly stupid my guess is they bypassed the learning stage to take
the "easy" button route.

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 10. 2010 14:09

One other thing about a kita, you can join any ongoing game, no BB waiting cause of
the limit.

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 10. 2010 09:08

You will feel like a waste but your not. Your just a bb1.

Spray the dd / cl / ca in the middle and keep your speed up. Don't fill right up with
armor. Time your charge on higher bb's when they are distracted by other bb's.

Don't worry about getting a full broadside on a charge. Aim straight at them like a
POW to close fast. Take a front gun popshot. Then turn a U and give a full
broadside as your ship wheels around.

As said above, the CA aa boat is another way to go for supports.

  • Re : Kitami V.S Kongo

    01. 09. 2010 02:53

Neither low level Kongo is just food and waste of BB slot while Kitakami will leave you
with bad supports.

What you should use is Myoko with 6" AA triples or if you don't have high enough AA
gunners use N or D version or 4,7" AA duals.

Now only you will level more sailors than in Kita but you will also gain plenty of experts
for them which will be very important later (unless you plan on just buying your
experts/vets with $)
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