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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 14. 2010 07:03

I think the subject line sums it up. Do you use AP for first salvo on the following UK
ships if you are driving a Yammy? Does the advice change for 3 turret models? Does
the advice change for Super Yammy?

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 17. 2010 18:26

The UK ships that you would want to worry about commonly on NY are:

If the L2 is going 39, HE it. If it is going 37, HE it. If it is going 35, HE at angle
41-45, run, and continue running and lobbing at 41-45. Do not let that L2 get in less
than angle 41 while you are running. A 35 knot AW L2 will not match a speed capped Y or
SY. Especially not the SY.

L1s are the biggest pain. If the L1 is not going 42, then he is probably armored to some
degree, but not enough to be significantly dangerous to you, so HE it. If the L1 is going
37, HE it at max range. The only keypoint here is staying at max range and firing. If
you let the L1 get close, then either rush into it and use HE, or use AP on it at 30
degrees or so. However, either way is a big risk.

As IJN, just stay at max range as often as you can.

Any Nelly, armored or unarmored, you should HE it. But remember to stay outside its
range, especially if it is using quads.

Any POW not going at 45+ knots is no threat. It's the unarmored POWs that are dangerous.
However, with that said, don't worry about switching to AP.

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 17. 2010 05:25

I only have 4 HE for my yami for GB, and 4/1 HE/AP for my SY.

You simply have to remenber the speeds of armored and unarmored ships.

Always HE unless 35 and below for my SY, but no ship should ever be that close in
the first place.

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 16. 2010 02:50

IJN HE (BB4/5/6) smashes through armour at max. First salvo HE, if you have to drop to 40
or below, switch to AP.

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 15. 2010 11:42

I'm still 9 lvls away from Yammy but from what I have seen most ppl who play Yammy/SY dont
use AP at all (due to the high angle of the guns they get rarly bounced)

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 14. 2010 19:23

I've played UK quite a bit and you only need ap when the gap closes to medium-long
range. Any shots at max or less than 12deg should be HE. Especially if it gets close
switch back to HE.

Any ships using 18" shells can usualy get away without carrying ap. Only about 1
our of 50 fights you will wish you had some.

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 14. 2010 08:46


Rule of thumb: unless it's something retarded like a single-quad KGV, always throw HE at
max angle and laugh at them.

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 14. 2010 08:09

At max angle 45?Yammi and SY cut through everything (well there is one retarded setup
that could bounce this but it is very uncommon), so i say first salvo always HE. And if u
run and can keep the AWed ship at max angle keep HEing, u get bonced by L1s around 43/42?

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 14. 2010 07:34

"I'm not an IJN BB player in any way, but I can make a few recommendations from a US BB
player standpoint. Traditionally, your first shot should always be HE except in a few
rare cases where you KNOW the enemy is heavily armored and capable of bouncing. From a
Yammy, I believe this is a 40 degree shot, which is pretty hard to bounce normally.

Over time, you'll notice tell-tales of AWed ships. Pay attention to the enemy ship's
speed. I don't recall the number off the top of my head, but I do believe AWed L2s go 37
knots OH with capped engineers. They will appear slower, especially when compared to non
AWed ships next to them. "

a few corrections:
- yammy+sy max angle is 45 degrees
- aw'ed lion2, be it 2 or 3 gunned goes 35 knots. a 37 knot lion2 is eighter lightly
armor, which would be retarded, or has the lvl 110guns/heavy crew on board.

aw'd lion1 goes 37 (2 and 3 guns).

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 14. 2010 07:28

I'm not an IJN BB player in any way, but I can make a few recommendations from a US BB
player standpoint. Traditionally, your first shot should always be HE except in a few
rare cases where you KNOW the enemy is heavily armored and capable of bouncing. From a
Yammy, I believe this is a 40 degree shot, which is pretty hard to bounce normally.

Over time, you'll notice tell-tales of AWed ships. Pay attention to the enemy ship's
speed. I don't recall the number off the top of my head, but I do believe AWed L2s go 37
knots OH with capped engineers. They will appear slower, especially when compared to non
AWed ships next to them.

  • Re : Yammy (and SY) vs UK - first salvo AP or not?

    01. 14. 2010 07:15

I always look at the speed of a uk ship before i make a call like that, but mostly i dont
carry ap.

i try to stay at max range by keeping my distance, and my shots at max angle with a yammy
or sy are HE. that way i avoid getting hit in the
process. the shells only get partially bounced 1 out of 10-15 times

yammy and sy are the same, exept the range.