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U.S Navy


  • Montana Help

    01. 19. 2010 06:51

Disclaimer: This is not a "ZOMG MONTANA SUXXORZ" post. I am legitimately trying to
find some answers...

I finally made it into a Montana last week after about a year of semi-casual playing
and about three months spent in an Iowa. It's my first BB5. But so far, I am finding
the experience underwhelming. From what I read ahead of time and experienced in
combat, it seemed to me that the Montana was basically an Iowa with one extra
turret and an improved range. My experience has been exactly that with the
addition that my engineers can push my Montana a few knots faster than my Iowa.

However, I have run into a bit of a wall. In my Iowa I could regularly get 80 to 100K
attack. It seemed as though I could range fight with about any other BB4 and come
out of it in pretty good shape. The Iowa was a big jump from the SoDak that I spent
so long in. It wasn't as fast and had a much bigger uh.... back end, than the SoDak.
But the range and firepower more than made up for it.

But after making the jump to a Montana, even though my range is longer, and I can
push the ship faster than my Iowa, I seem to be stuck in battles where I am sunk
time and time again with little or no attack. Despite having 900 SD, I seem to have a
major glass chin, something my Iowa didn't have. I can be at full DP, get hit by a few
shells from a SY, and be down into "red bar" territory. Not only that, but it seems like
I'm out ranged by every other BB5 I run into.

I am pretty sure I have the tactics for this, they served me well in my Iowa. But I'm
at a loss as to why I'm having so much more trouble in my Montana vs my Iowa. I
would appreciate any suggestions or comments from the more experienced US

EDIT: My sailors and ship config are listed below:
BO: level 104, +15
Gunners: 2 x level 105 +12acc/+11rld - BVE
AA Gunners: 2 x level 96 +10acc/+12rld - BVE
Engineers: 3 x level 94 +12eng & 1 x level 94 +11eng - BVE
Repair: 3 x level 96 +12rep - BVE
Scout: level 96 +11air

4 x level 100 16"/50 cal mark 7 Mod 1 main guns
10 x level 30 5"/54 cal mark 16L AA guns
USN BB Engine VIII(Heavy)
Speed is 23 knots normal with 35 knot OH

  • Re : Montana Help

    06. 21. 2010 07:16

Since I keep seeing this thread pop to the first page of the forums on a regular basis,
I thought I'd post another update.

My gunners are now approaching level 110 and my engineers are all over level 100.
Salvo spread has cleared up a bit but it's still not where I'd like to see it. I did
replace my +11 engineer with a +12 and gained another knot of OH speed to 37

I do appreciate all the suggestions and ideas. I have been improving quite a bit
especially with the idea of using my monty as more of a "defensive" BB than anything
else. The 45 degree angle on the main guns really does make a difference,
especially when running as I can get much longer shell hang times and much longer
range. The downside is that I pay for it in chase range so much that I almost never
chase anything larger than a BB2 unless I'm willing to take the shell hits.

I still am a firm believer in AA. I've gone back and forth between the '54 cal mark
16's and the '38 cal mark 38's. Either one has its uses and I haven't settled on any
specific gun. I do tend to use the mark 38's more often though as I encounter more
situations where I need to deal with bomber or fighter spam as opposed to sniping a

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 31. 2010 10:55

Never went faster than 36 knots in my Monty. I also probably had one of the worst support
crews ever. 2 at-level engineers, one engineer in its 70s, 2 at-level repairers and one in
its 80s, and a restorer. All with crap bases, but B/V. I used the 5"38s for AA, and I
usually did pretty well. The thing was to trick my opponents into thinking I was aiming
for their scouts and not paying attention to them. Worked on some people, didn't work on
others, but I did learn very quickly who to use that trick on. Wait till they rush to get
in range, then turn and fire as said earlier. Iowa is more forgiving without AA, but I'd
rather not run Monty without it.

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 30. 2010 18:31

Don't forget that using new ships takes some adjustment, especially for your "first-timers."

The first time I used a BB1, Scharnhorst, it was constant rape. I rarely did well in
battle. The second time I leveled up to BB1, which was on my UK line, I knew what was
coming and adjusted my playing style accordingly. The third time was with my US line, and
I was already becoming a pro at staying alive.

I also learned to lower my expectations for a little while in the beginning; learning a
new ship takes time, i.e. it took about two weeks to adjust to the Bismarck, three or four
weeks to adjust to the H39, etc..

Keep at it and you'll develop your own strategies for success. THEN the playing will get fun.

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 30. 2010 11:01

monty is a very difficult ship. especially when rushed by a faster and smaller ship
(french), what ive learned to truly counter this is either shooting them with a kill
salvo, or to always have vision around your range radius. this way at last u can run away
before they get in range.

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 28. 2010 21:28

After some more time under my belt, I am growing to absolutely love my Monty. I
think that I just needed some time to learn the differences. It's by no means a
perfect ship, but I think a lot of that is also just more stuff I need to learn.

Having said that, have any of the other Monty drivers had an issue with the very
skinny French BB? I can't think of the name right off the top of my head, but it's the
one with the dual quad gun turrets in the front. Particuarly when it's being driven by
an agressive driver. About the only effective tactic I've found is to turn away on OH
and fire "over my shoulder" at him until he's sunk or he turns away.

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 26. 2010 21:49

@hero en vec

What the hell are you saying? im running full aa (3" 70cals) and im going at the 24/40 setup.

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 26. 2010 14:58

3 guns on each side doesnt seem that oped... would be nice seeing that setup

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 26. 2010 08:56

"the 24/40 setup is in fact one with little bulge and no AA. as soon as you put AA on you
are down to 23/39."

A fun tidbit: Previously you could run 40 knts with aa on the front slots of the montana
only (3 guns per side). There were complaints, however, and SDE ninja nerfed the ship so
that even this set up would drop OH to 39 knts.

Did they tell you, the community, that they did it? No.

This is the nature of the company you are paying to play this game. :)

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 23. 2010 20:58

I believe the 6"s are too heavy for the monty's T slots (space wise).

I haven't tried it, but theoretically, it will sustain the 23/39 setup assuming that you
can actually put it on with enough binds of AA ammo to be effective.

  • Re : Montana Help

    03. 23. 2010 11:30

Can the Montana do 23/39 with 6"/47 D guns in the T-slots? (Yeah, they're heavy. But if
a 23 knot cruise speed is still possible...)
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