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Royal Navy


  • RN Ships or Subs?

    01. 29. 2010 11:08

Wonder if anyone can help me decide. Should I go for RN Submarine or continue with Ships
on RN ship tree. Which is best, and if I choose subs can I go back and continue on with
ships. Im currently on Emmerald lvl 35 BO.
Please HELP

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    03. 10. 2010 09:59

Thanks for your comments - for newcomers again - read my pinned thread about this forum -

Thread locked!

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    03. 04. 2010 12:22

Worse than that, much - perhaps most - of the information these noobs are directed to read
instead of ask is multiple patches outdated and simply wrong. The stickies and search are
near useless because of this.

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    03. 04. 2010 08:33

How do you discourage new players in NF?
Demand they wade through hundreds of pages information before they are allowed
to ask a simple question.

(Golf Clap)

The irony is there are some very informative posts here on the forums and half the
comments (by our "vets") read something like "Lolz, wow wall-of-text lolz lolz! I fell
asleep half-way through but it looks good!!!" Yet we expect completely new players
to spend hours hunting down information.

Let's not exacerbate a dwindling playerbase by barking at our new players, okay?

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    03. 01. 2010 19:10

a sub is a ship...

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    02. 22. 2010 03:40

LK was probably just having a bad day...

Dude, the UK BB's are AWESOME, go that way, you'll love it. They have any kind of
play style you'd want for a BB. You can go fast and light, Armored so much they
barely move, front and rear guns for traditional play, forward guns only for charging
at the enemy, UK is one of my favorite nations because you can do pretty much
anything with them.

UK subs are, well, um, not impressive compared to the IJN or KM subs...

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    02. 08. 2010 07:27

Well I'll admit LordKelvin isn't pretty nice for a mod but before you fully criticize him,
try to be in his shoes who has to put up these things everyday and he has done homework
for the guys so nobody else has to, not to mention I assume he isn't getting paid to do
this so he'll naturally get cranky as time passes. I'm not exactly saying you should be
forgiving, but just be sympathetic to his job.

Aside from that, Well I have not much experience with Subs but let me warn you that
tactics and play style from a sub is very different and to those who are used to manual
aiming and such will find them very frustrating to play at first. I'd rather not recommend
subs for newbies but then the ASW side has problems too.

In General, subs are fun ships but you will not learn much to how it truly means to play NF.

Battleships on the other hand, is where it's at, whether CV or BB, both can offer great
learning experiences. BB lines are more of the muscle man, training you to survive and
self-reliance yet working with your team mates. For the case of the UK, this is their main
strength, Lion II anyone? Overall, the BB lines will teach the core basics of how to
actually play ships just from DD-CA. Pursue further, and you'll learn to play smart. It is
also 'cheap' to get since you ahve the default crew for one at the start.

CV lines are as they say, fighting ladies of the navy. Though they mostly are support,
they can be arguably turn the tide of the battle. While not as brutal as a BB, CVs, like
any girl you meet, should be treated some respect. It takes alot of concentration,
multi-task and micromanagement much like your everyday housewife to run this ship class,
not to mention hella expensive. On the flip side, you get more paid than a BB.

I'll would recommend you BB if only to make things easier for your experience in the RN
and NF in general but to truly excel at using ships (or before you start whining how lame
this ship class is)...try the KM line.

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    02. 01. 2010 01:32

Lol nf does have a pretty harsh forums. Its like Briggs, only the hardest survive. (full
metal alchemist watchers should know)

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    01. 31. 2010 20:33


  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    01. 31. 2010 18:10

--"this has to be the worst place ive played for bad mannered forum moderators ever!
and ive played alot of online games mostly pay to play."--

By far the worst forum in general I've seen for a game period.

  • Re : RN Ships or Subs?

    01. 31. 2010 10:20

Thank you Adamai. Thats all I needed was a simple answer.
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