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  • Waiting for Z99

    10. 24. 2005 10:49

I have a Z1 and my BO I believe is somewhere around level 15-16ish and I am not rich and I was wondering if it would be better to stick with my Z1 and save my money or to buy a Z31 and remodel?

  • Re : Waiting for Z99

    10. 24. 2005 19:38

I did find with the Z1 without any armor, infact i'm doing fine with my Z99 without armor, though I do risk loosing alot of crew memebers because of it and sometimes i'm unlucky and do loose some but my crew is growing atleast 3x faster than i'm loosing so i'm still doing fine. Though today I took a big blow in one battle amazingly I lost 2 experts and 13 Rookies in one good direct hit, which I didn't think was possible, Darn BB.

  • Re : Waiting for Z99

    10. 24. 2005 19:02

The only problem is that your crew may outgrow the Z1 as it levels up. You find that you gradually drop armour until you have nothing. Next you might sacrifice a torp launcher or two. Finally you face the choice of fitting smaller lighter guns or leaving a crewman off. I would not recommend removing recruits from your sailors to save weight, it works but you pay for it in the end with less skillful sailors.

Personally I think it's better to buy the next ship up the line, Z31. It's not much different to the Z1 in terms of firepower, if you are using the 5.9", but has enough space for crew and armour etc. You could probably level to the Z99 without needing to remodel to the Z46 or Z52. Both ships are good upgrades for the Z31 but not superior to the Z99, but then what is? I think it's worth remodelling myself as both ships are a significant improvement to the Z31, i.e. can do more damage, but you will loose the remodel cost unless you sell the ship on to someone else.

  • Re : Waiting for Z99

    10. 24. 2005 17:33

Yes 4.1" duals are the best I think for Z1 by level 25 your accuracy for the 4.1" will be much better as well. Getting better guns later one before you get yoru Z99 while using Z1 will just decrease how many shells you can fire and your accuracy. Thats why I like to call the Z1 the best DD in the fleet along side the Z99. ^^

  • Re : Waiting for Z99

    10. 24. 2005 17:31

YES! YES! YES! IMO, do not waste your hard earned creds on anything b4 Z99.

for the Z1, get the torps at lvl 14. Guns - dual 4.1's at lvl 16. Possibly get the single 5.9's at lvl 19. Although, I liked my 4.1's all the way to lvl 25 (Z99).

Don't waste your creds. Hammer the enemy with 4.1's and torp walls (2 launchers by 3 torps set 25 degrees apart). You will level up descently.

  • Re : Waiting for Z99

    10. 24. 2005 12:33

look at shadow 20 forum area on this i had long disscussion with ppl and it helped me choose a lot, check it out

i going 4 z99 by the way(thks to the dvise of ppl)

  • Re : Waiting for Z99

    10. 24. 2005 11:05

I have the same question. My Bo is almost lvl 20 and I got the cash for the next ship but want to know if I should just hold off and wait for the 99.