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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • How would you fix the 20" SY guns?

    02. 15. 2010 09:48

I've seen a few too many 18" gun threads on KM forum, so I decided that JN forum needs a little more attention.

Personal opinion, 7k per shell, very heavy gun (reducing speed to 39kn OH or 40), and somewhat slower reload then the
19" guns. Range could be increased to current H44 16.5" range. Spread is fine if the reload is nerfed, do note the 45
degree hangtime with such ranges.
The gun would turn the SY from the current fast ship into more of a amagi playstyle ship.


  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 19:29

Not that I'm around that much these days. 1/2 of it's current weight, something
around 1000 tonnes more than the 16.1s. Don't really care about the 45 degree
angle since I'm used to it anyways. Definitely more damage, possibly up to twice
that of the 18.1s since they are duals, and quite frankly they're 20.1" guns. Possibly
a longer reload specially if you're gonna up the damage to twice of the 18.1s.
Possibly up the range to L2.

Overall biggest problem is it's weight and damage.

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 18:06

...or soap opera fans :P

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 17:23

In big line battles, skill and smoke grenades make an even more noticeable difference than

Simply put, big line battles are just a gorefest of TKing and insults among the majority,
and an erotically stimulating moment for the skilled minority.

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 15:13

its not that much of a step lol.

H44 range advantage relies more on the lower angle than in the static range

siding the 44 and the SY, both taking a shot, the splash will be nearly mixed.

So 45 max angle with H44 range? still take to take down. 40 max angle with H44 range?
again, cake, tough a bit less so. Also if they'd boost the range and spread, the hit will
be about eaven with the H44.

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 15:12

In big line battles, the H44's range advantage is noticeable >.>

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 10:54

lol at buffing range to km 16.5

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 10:31

My suggestion in ONF2 before "the issues" arose:

Something to make the firepower viable; either spread buff or damage buff. I also
suggested an angle change (I think) to 40*.

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 16. 2010 10:31

IIRC, Laoji said that the 20" slightly range the 18" (perhaps putting this at H44 range?).
However, because of the longer reload, heavier weight, and less barrels, the overall
damage output was weaker. Not to mention, Laoji didn't even mention the 45 angles, as he
probably assumed that the 45 angle was an accepted inconvenience.

To be sure, I don't see anything wrong with neglecting the 110 guns. However, if we
really were to modify them to actually be useful, then they should actually have a
somewhat noticeable difference compared to the 103 (100) guns.

With that in mind, I would personally make the 110 guns just slightly less reload than the
120 guns; have the range a little less than QV's range; have shell damage the same as the
18"; and have the gun angle at 40. Bear in mind, while this also implies that I want the
Amagi guns to be 40 degree guns, I would rather TNF and/or ONF focus on balancing the
Amagi rather than paying attention to the 20" duals.

Another modification to the 20" would be: make the 110 guns just slightly less reload than
the 120 guns; have the range equal to QV's range; have shell damage the same as the 18";
and have the gun angle at 45.

Keep in mind, even though the range might seem long for the 110 guns in either
modification, the SY can only carry 3 guns, which is 2 less than the Amagi, and with only
SY hitting power, the guns are actually rather weak. On top of that, the SY will be
slower and just as vulnerable as before, so it would make an easy target for any careful
rusher or mindless AW.

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 15. 2010 21:19

tbh, the choice between the 18,9 and 20,1 should be this:

Firepower or range. 20,1 having a comparable hitting power is just stupid. Every 20,1
shell would need to hit 1,5 times has hard as an already powerful 18.9 shell. A 40k salvo,
altough with a boosted spread would be sufficient. Also, lower the max angle to 40, to
decrease the hang time, and boost the range slightly, to L2 and H44 level.

That way, you still have your AA to beat L2, and a knot over it and the H44, and range to
fight off the monty firepower.

In exchange, monty and L2 will try to count on their better firepower to best you, and H44
on its lower angle. That would be in my mind a good balance for those guns. Regular gunned
SY also have speed and firepower to fight you off.

USN is a good example of it, altough I believe the range should be brought to match the
L2s, but its not that much of a difference so. But otherwise, most lvl 110 gun are largely
unused for an issue or another. (KM shell damage consistency, UK weight, IJN lack of
firepower and weight, USN the 12x16" oneshot salvo is just too fun. Only decent 110 guns)

  • Re : How would you fix the 20

    02. 15. 2010 19:18

i believe before fixing the 20'' for SY, they should fix/tweak the 2nd set of 16'' guns.
just a better spread would sufice to compensate the loss in range and specially the
substancial decrease in damage in comparison to the 1st set :\
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