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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • 7.9" shell damage.

    02. 15. 2010 11:41

I was looking at the 7.9" HE shell damage and noticed that the displayed additional damage
for the normal and light shells seems really small. For the heavy HE shell it's 261
(+249) while for the normal HE shell it's 218 (+5). I looked at the KM 8" HE shells and
their normal HE shell has 201 (+230). Is this a typo or is there really something odd
about the 7.9" HE shells?

  • Re : 7.9

    02. 18. 2010 11:18

Ok. Good to know. Thanks

  • Re : 7.9

    02. 16. 2010 13:02

Just use LHE and keep one bind of AP.
There's no point in using HHE as additional damage will be wasted by lower accuracy you
will have (and i'm speaking about player skill not spread) especially now when you fly
through mogami levels so fast.

  • Re : 7.9

    02. 16. 2010 11:12

Those numbers, for all intents and purposes, are useless for general play, simply because
you have to determine angle of impact, velocity of shot, range of shot, and so on in order
to determine actual damage. HHE does about probably 10-20% more damage than LHE, at max
range, but obviously has range issues compared to LHE...

  • Re : 7.9

    02. 16. 2010 10:58

Well yes, I know about using LHE for range, but I am just curious about the wildly
different displayed numbers. I was only asking about the 7.9" because that is what I have
fitted and the 8" km guns is the only other ones I have to compare to. My assumption is
that it is a typo since I have not noticed any major difference in damage.

And on a side note. The base damage shown in the shipyard page on this site for the two
sets of 8" ijn guns is the same. The three sets of 7.9" ijn guns also have the same base

  • Re : 7.9

    02. 15. 2010 16:41

IJN has what, 3 sets of 8" guns?

Becuase of this, the shell damage is pretty diffferent between them.

As far as I know, you should be switching between LHE and HHE for range
purposes, not damage.