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  • French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    02. 18. 2010 02:59

This guide will give you a quick overview on French Sailors and how to class them. It was
made based on conclusions we made in ONF. ONF as a whole deserves more credit for this
guide then myself. This will not cover how many supports you should level or if you should
use AA or not, as that is something everyone has a different perspective on. However I
will tell you the french AA is quite powerful, and most will agree it's worthwhile to
level them. I will only approach aspects that are unique in the French line compared to
the other nations, so things like Brige Operator, Planesman and Sonarman will not be
discussed here, as they are the same for every nation.

- First things first:

So you probably already noticed that every French sailor gets a national bonus of +2 in
restore and +2 in fighter ability. While there is no way of telling only by that bonus how
the French fighters will perform, it's pretty clear that the +2 restore will help you
reach the SD cap faster, which makes your life easier before BB4 level(and sometimes even
at BB4 level) . You will also notice that the French sailor tree is very similar to the
Kriegsmarine one, particullary how their gunners and torpers are classed.

Their Engineers and Repairers are quite modest when it comes to stats, their engies having
only a slight advantage in growth over the IJN ones(the worst) and being behind USN in
both Engineer and Repair growth, while their repairers are tied with KM
for the worst. Their Restorers are quite nice though, being useful in a CV or lower level
ships, or even subs.

- Gunners:

Very similar, if not indentical, to KM and IJN. Thus these should be a no-brainer. Class
them on time and obviously avoid classing them as torpers if your objective is to have

- Torpedomen:

Similar to KM. If you want torpedomen, you will have to class them from arm. sailors to
gunners at lvl 23 and then choose Heavy Torpedoman at level 43. Remember NOT to class them
as Huge Gunners at level 65, as they will not be able to operate torpedoes.

- AA gunners:

And here comes the weird one. The Line that breaks off Arm. sailor and goes into 2nd
Machine Gun and ends at Chief Machine gun is pretty much entirely useless. They are like
the old IJN Machine Gunner(removed for a reason), as they were/are supposed
to increase AAW when on a ship, but the effect was either null, or way too small to be
noticed/worthwhile. What aggravates this even more is that the Machine Gunner sailors
CANNOT use ANY french gun above level 23.

So what kind of gunners should you use for French AA? Normal Gunners. So you will end up
having 2 sets of main gunners, pretty much like how most US players do when they choose to
use AA, except you don't have to choose between reload and accuracy for French gunners.

- Medics:

It is said, but not entirely confirmed by SDE, that both nation's medics(KM & US) will
work with the French. We were not able to test how medics work, so we cannot give you a
concrete answer.

Well that's it. Other then that, the French sailors are classed just like every other
nation, so there's not much more to approach in here. Please let me know if you find any

Enjoy France!

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    12. 03. 2010 11:38

realy good post it helped me stop making a mistake on my bb crew thanks <3

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    09. 07. 2010 18:35

Good post mi friend

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    09. 07. 2010 18:27

Ty for al friend Good information
i Love the MN ^^
good luck

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    08. 07. 2010 23:51

i can say definettly go for AA gunners, they are best in the game

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    07. 26. 2010 20:20

I have a question about how much better boosted gunners are compared to
unboosted?? Does it change the reload or accuracy?? Or does it AFFECT THE SPREAD
OF THE GUNS?? oops sorry for the caps

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    07. 07. 2010 20:32

I do think that you are not to class him as an AA gunner (or Machinegunner). What is
meant is for you to class him up as a regular gunner. He can use the AA guns if need

Do hope this was a bit helpful.

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    06. 17. 2010 16:33

how good are the french planesmen now for the subs?

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    06. 17. 2010 03:45

Hello guys.

First, sorry for my english, i'm french. The second langage isn't our speciality in this
country, even if we have some good exceptions.

I have three sailors at level 23. Two name "Gunner" and one name "AA Gunner". For the two
first, i choose the new class "Gunner"... normal. For the second, it's more difficult. I
haven't choise AA Gunner. I read guide and it said i can chosse at level 20... but no... I
have only class gunner

So... I don't understand...

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    05. 26. 2010 19:09

This is really nice thanks for the info helps a lot.

  • Re : French Sailors - A quick classing guide and overview + Q&A

    05. 20. 2010 20:00

Will the french have a better planesmen for the sub? or is it normal for the sub to
run out of air so quickly? can someone please give me a message back on how to
have a better restoring air time or just to stay under water longer please.
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