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  • La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 03:47

So, since I've resigned myself to use Mogador -> CL2, here's the question...

Do I: Suffer the extra 2 levels of grind, and the really _____ looking Emile Bertin from
36->42, or go for Joan of Arc?

The real question I'm asking is is Suffren v Galissonniere; why is the Suffren two levels
lower despite having 4x8in against the G'iere's 3x6in, despite having 3,000~ more usable
tonnage, a CA FCS, same number of planes... What advantage is there for
the G'iere, really? Is the G'iere BB line better?


  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 20. 2010 04:53

38 SD on a Mogador. I assume I'm cheating by being irresponsible with my overdraft.

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 18:55

Well my LaGalissonniere is named "Leech Continued" and it's now cruising with 34 SD.

8:08 PM - 40 vets on each gunner now.

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 18:40

"I'm doing nothing
but leeching with my rockin' gunners with 30 VETS ON EACH!!! "

Mine are up to 40 vets!

Go go gadget 50 SD!

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 18:04

Agreed with the Join-the-Arcs looking more hideous than the Emily's Burpin.

But if you go down the Emile route, you get this wonderfully beautiful mixed-
parentage child called the La Galisonniere.

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 18:01

I play blitz too, but it's equally depressing. BBs complaining how BBs suck in blitz room

1. they refuse to carry a scout.
2. they refuse to use a scout if they carried one.
3. using slow reloading and inaccurate BB1 guns at close range.
4. not armorwhoring or not bothering to AA
5. always on the front line asking to get torped.

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 17:59

I always play Blitz :p what's the point in GB2 as a DD... you can't kill anything :S

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 17:31

I had to leech, and it's painful. Only being able to watch BB teammates play horribly is
such torture.

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 14:36

I'm banking on the fact that EVERYBODY is leeching unless they've gone from Jaguar to
Suffren (or more) in DD/CL rooms. So it's not that I'm picking on you. I'm doing nothing
but leeching with my rockin' gunners with 30 VETS ON EACH!!!

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 13:51

I don't know where you got this implication that I'm leeching from, because it's far from
the truth. I've always been concerned with the aesthetics of whatever I'm driving around
because I happen to like having a nice looking ship (and in any case, Joan of Arc seems
worse than Emile Bertin at any rate) and if I'm only going to be spending 36-42 in it I
don't think it's relevant, since presumably the grind after LG will become alot longer
than it had been for ships lower down.

If I was intending to use it for a longer period of time; for instance, when I first
started playing I used Edinburgh from 36-48, a whole two times as many levels as I plan to
use Emile Bertin, I would probably take the ship that's best to play with, but for a 6
level CL it isn't that important.

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 09:24

Jean D'Arc is far more hideous looking than the Emile Bertin.

I don't pick lines based on the ships I will leech in, I pick them on the highest level
ships before the lines (in this case) reconverge.
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