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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Playing with a Kita on your team

    02. 22. 2010 11:44

Please let the Kita do her job.

There is no need to charge ahead as you may get TK'd and likely lose. Especially on
the new server you will not do much damage on the opponents BBs.

Kitas can take out BBs, DDs/FFs usually can't.

Just chill out and you probably will advance far faster than you may think.


  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    04. 06. 2010 12:12

Any BB that lets 5 waves of torps from a Kita smash into him is either an idiot or 5 million pounds over
displacement. The tragic thing is that a lot of people take bulge for granted, especially those that
bulge whore.

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    04. 06. 2010 10:57

I drive CVs , T4 KM SS , Kitakami , and O Project. Allways seems to be someone that
complains about what I do.
MY ATTACK PLAN: ocupy the enemies attention so he or she cant control their guns
or planes . While they are getting attacked by me ....... they cant attack my sides
If a BB is going to rush ....... dont get close to a Kita ...... I go strait and angle shot .
Lets say I am alfa and start in south front line. I drive strait and angle to the north
west. This gives a crossing effect with Kita torps coming strait from the north
thereby making it difficult for ships to avoid. I have yet to have anyone avoid that
angle shot and if a BB is close and racing me .... he will drive right into my torp wall.

Keep in mind ...... if a ship is trying to avoid torps ....... his attention is off you. SO

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    04. 06. 2010 08:09

Drop 14 HH launchers on your Kita...... anything that gets in range of them is meat sub or
ship wise..... Kita's are largely ignored after the first few minutes of torp walls, rush
in range and let the destruction fly. It's very very very expensive but the fun is worth it.
I've dropped unsuspecting monty drivers and everything in between.

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    03. 04. 2010 15:15


What he said, and I couldn't have said it better myself.

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    03. 04. 2010 02:51

The Kitas have long been a scourge to all the ships in NF from FF to BBs and it is one of
the few "small" ships that can readily take out a bigger ship. Back in the days of beta
when the torp damage is at its a full (right now all torps are at only its 50% damage
except for the SS torps), a kitakami driven by a skilled captain can literally destroy a
battle line with what was then the nuke torps... (MOD 3s) This is the single ability of
the kitakami that has ingrained to the minds of veteran players. This is the reason why
BBs of all kinds usually shoots down a kitakami early in the game before it releases its
torp load. Now even when its torps are only at 50% damage output, the kitakami is still a
threat. With the usual load out of MOD 1s, a kitakami is a strategic weapon with the
purpose of breaking down the battle line, forcing the enemy line to pull back to give its
team space to advance or to act as cover fire to its battle line while its pulling back.
With the load out of the MOD 2s the kitakami becomes a tactical weapon, a specialized BB
pr CV killer that uses its speed and manouverability to attack crippled bb or cvs and even
take on a full health BB5 foolish enough to let a kitakami come to its launch range and
taste a full load of 25 MOD2 torps which is enough to kill a BB5.. With the advent of the
SS, a kitakami can also be modified to carry a mix of torps, hedgehogs, and depth charges
or act as a dedicated ASW platform wiht HH or DCs... A kitakami can also AA but its t
slots are more useful for ASW or torps... For the veteran players of NF... they all know
the consequences of going in front of a kitakami torpwall... For the newbies just wait
till the kitakamis are done with laying down the wall and just torp ride to fictory at the
back of the wall taking down the stragglers that was caught by the wall.... If there is a
ship that is "versatile" its a kitakami....

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    03. 04. 2010 01:28

Kita's don't win games by killing capital ships, but by creating chaos and preventing
enemy ships from playing their own game. Even a BB3+ will think twice before
exposing itself to a torp wall, forcing it to move predictably or retreat before the torp
wall. A good kita will also disrupt the enemies' subs and AA escorts game.
And I agree small ships should just hang behind the kita at start. But on the other
side a Kita should NEVER get in the way of a BB rushing to get a fast advantage or
establish the battle line. As often as not I end up in front of a Kita's wall simply
because I start moving right at the start whereas the TW is just responding too
slow when the game starts and decides to simply dump his torps anyway.
I always try to allow the Kita room to do his thing, and expect a Kita to make sure
he is front of his team before he start launching rather then hanging back and see if
any of his torps make it past his own team.

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    03. 03. 2010 14:06

I love the Kita haters, make's me want to play it even more.

Yes, a Kita can take out a BB. Even a BB5 can be sunk by a Kita. I know, I've done it.
Haven't seen enough BB6 on Bismark yet to say whether or not it could be done.

It just goes to show you that preconceptions of a ship class are more prevalent
amongst those that either have never used the ship, or never explored what is
actually possible with the ship in the short time they may have used it.

See most BB driver's have this flaw of being predictable. Everyone by that stage
already know's that taking the south is a major advantage in any battle. 130 18K
torps stacked in a nice narrow columns will sink anything. Bulge will not save you,
and armor will only slow it down. I'm sure that Monti thought he was safe letting his
bulge eat the first wave, and imagine his surprise when he saw the 5 waves after
that first that ate his bulge. Sure, I was out of torps and useless for anything but
fodder, but I knocked out the Monti.

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    03. 02. 2010 16:01

Usually my first macro is " Stay back for torp wall unless you are an imbecile ! "
Then second macro is " I will still torp even you are in front of me ! I DON'T CARE !! "

Yet they do it. Not saying submarines cause my Kita go faster than submarines and torp in
front of them and clear a few pathway for them into BB but not being harsh or rude. Some
FF and DD and CL still goes in front of the torpedo and moan about it even I torp towards
the enemy line. Sometimes it just frustrating to play Kita but hey, it's only a game.
Chill out. Doesn't matter.

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    02. 27. 2010 00:16

I absolutely love the noobs than run in front of my kita, get TK'ed and start to noobrage
on me. Priceless screenshot moments.

  • Re : Playing with a Kita on your team

    02. 26. 2010 21:31

"Kitas can take out BBs, DDs/FFs usually can't." wrong, kitas cant take out bb's, dd's can
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