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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Some Questions...

    02. 22. 2010 16:52

1. Well, I see ships launching depth charges halfway across maps. Plus the amount
of depth chrages is like 20. Is this a hack?

2. Some ships fire this kind of machine like gun, which fires in strands and very
quickly. Is this a hedgehog or not? If not, how do I get this?

3. Is it true the AAW is off? In that case my 2nd Machine Gunners are useless...

  • Re : Some Questions...

    02. 23. 2010 07:03

2. The UK pompom gun. It looks cool. I levelled up a UK crew just to try that. Not
really worth it, don't bother. IJN AA is sooooo much more fun and effective.

  • Re : Some Questions...

    02. 22. 2010 18:40

You do NOT need machine gunners to use the 4.7/6.1 AA. You need IJN DP gunners. Machine
gunners are worthless. Try to sell them for nothing or put them into the HQ and pray one
day they will activate the AAW again.

  • Re : Some Questions...

    02. 22. 2010 17:33

1. they launched hedge hogs. some ships can pack a lot of them.
2. there are two types of this machine gun, one is used by UK for AA only. the other is
used by KM SS4 for shooting ships.
3. AAW is not off, but AAW stats for the sailors is disabled, so your AAW for your ship
will not get any stronger.

Edited: woops, mistake.