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  • Low Level SS

    03. 07. 2010 22:12

Anyone got any help on how to level up my low level sub? I m finding it increasingly
impossible to time my dive time with avoiding circling scouts and destroyers and can
only occasionally have a game where i actually get damage. I would appreciate any
tips or tricks on how o get XP. thanks everyone

  • Re : Low Level SS

    07. 28. 2010 06:31

on your planesman put as many sailors as possible on the moment with
the event going on it helps with putting experts etc on him. then you will have full
air at the start.

go for ss kills as the damage done on them is comparable with killing a bb

DONT go for a bb which has no damage against it at all

and like the rest of the posts go north or south and avoid the middle torp walls etc
but do kill the aa ships and subs whenever possible that will help your team more
than anything

  • Re : Low Level SS

    07. 27. 2010 18:50

You are the ultimate Defense ship.

You have sonar and 1-2 shot sub killing torpedos.

  • Re : Low Level SS

    07. 27. 2010 18:05

Back in the old days SS1's i f they got to your battle line you were tost but now An
SS1 is a best for Front line Ship defence to spot any pesky SS's or CL's and below
that mange to fly under the BB's radar I would suggest skipping it mianly because
the only good SS1 is the KM with its mine launcher other then that limted to front
only torps and slow speeds really make it worst then playing an at lvl BB1.


  • Re : Low Level SS

    07. 27. 2010 12:51

Harsgault has the right idea here. The SS1 is best used as a defensive boat.
Defending against other subs is always useful, especially with the dearth of ASW in
today's GB2, and desperately crucial in HA's.

The money shots, however, come on your losing games. If you're lucky enough that
the flank you're on sucks, then they'll fall back. As soon as you see the enemy ships
start rushing in to take advantage, dive. My two best kills in the IJN SS1 were from
this - both times, an L2 rushed right into six torps.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : Low Level SS

    07. 26. 2010 20:46

Low lvl ss can be good anti-ss-ship ,clear the small ships rushing to us,and rush
when most enemy ships died(:D).It palys a different role from ss4.
I like km ss1(tiny),it looks like cute and CAN USE MINE.

  • Re : Low Level SS

    04. 14. 2010 10:11

Thank you. The defense strategy worked wonders when my team helped cover for
me. :)

  • Re : Low Level SS

    03. 09. 2010 07:33

There is of course another answer than to simply abandon the low level SS. Play defense.

Do not spend your time and air trying to zip across to the opposing fleet at all. Instead
hang out with the BB's. Preferably going north or south based upon the starting positions
of enemy submarines. Let them come to you and in doing so learn how to fight those enemy
subs. They will be running short on air, you won't. Their speed will mean a bit less as
they are trying to get at the BBs and not you. Fortunately you won't have to deal with a
common lowbie frustration of being 'outranged' since all the torps are equalized there.

Tier 1 subs are training boats. Use them as such.

  • Re : Low Level SS

    03. 09. 2010 06:36

Best advice I can give you is take your SS crew and put them on an AA boat until you
can get into an SS2.

SS1 are generally woefully unprepared to deal with BB fire, ASW ships, and higher
level SS boats. You'll be lucky to even make it to the enemy line in a SS1 given all
those challenges. It gets better once you get into a SS2 though.

  • Re : Low Level SS

    03. 08. 2010 07:01

Despite what you hear about "wonder-subs" doing 40kts under water and taking dozens of
shells, youll find that subs are slow underwater and vulerable when on surface. SS1 is almost a
test of ones ability to "see the job thru". Also the ss1 is great training for the days ahead.
In subs its best to plan ahead and let the enemy come to you. Develop a technique for your
sub and adapt to the constantly changing battle conditions. Learn you buttons and work with
freindly boats. Be carefull about tk.

  • Re : Low Level SS

    03. 08. 2010 06:29

hi many would advice skiping ss1. i would not do so as to be a good ss driver u
need to learn to handle ur weakness(u have all ur weekness in ss1 poor air sonar
trops).but it helps u to develop sub mentality.u must be cunning fox and not be a
roaring lion like in ca/bb. u need (and learn)to plan ahead ur evey move beforehand
which will be very helpful later as u cannot chase anything(u could try in km ss2 i
heard but many wont). i went without shooting anything for first 10 games sunk a
akagi cv in 11 then 5 games without anything then a bb4.tough work

ss1 are best used in defence.stay close to ur cv or bb. otherwise find a cloud cover
and get under can stay there without wasting ur air pretty much
unbothered.and finnaly be patient ss1 are like frigates of ss.also remember to max
out ur sonar and planesman at all cost.good luck:)
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