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U.S Navy


  • USN CV Clarifications

    03. 09. 2010 19:08

Hello All,

I recently got myself a Yorktown and am pleased with my current Pilot Count. Then,
just today, I checked to look at the next-level CVs and see if I
need to get more Pilots.

I noticed that as I advance through the CV-Tiers, I will need more and more pilots.
However, the PCV and SCV both had this interesting note in the database:

"Max Pilot Count is 8." This is despite both the PCV and SCV having 9 Support Slots.

Currently, I have 4 DB Pilots, 1 TB Pilot, and 5 Fighter Pilots. I was planning to get 1
Additional FT Pilot so I can run:

6 FT:2 DB:1 TB with the 9 Support Slots. If however the maximum is 8, then I would
need to rethink my plans.

That being said, I'd like to ask what an optimal Build for CV is? I read a lot of guides
here regarding CVs and have mostly been following them. However, I noticed that
some of them seem dated and I do wonder what the best course of action is.

Also, someone informed me that Medics Stack. Do you advise to get 2 Medics? I do
not plan on using the Gun Mounts as I believe CVs should not rely on those. Any

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    04. 25. 2010 09:56

best setup is 8 Boosted 12Fp/12Bomber stat FPs and 2 +12 Fp +11 Bomber stat Seaman.

Your fighters will:

A: Pwn
B: Eat other Tier 3s like food
C: Be overpowered
D: Be able to fight on par with normal 12/11 lvl 120 FPs in the low 100s.
E: You'll be able to spam fighters everywhere if you load 3/3/3/2 on a PCV or 3/3/3/3 on
a CV6 (Note thats 2 sets of 4 pilots).
F: Your team will love you.
G: You'll have a ton of credits
H: You can buy a ton sailors from others
I: Your Fleet will love you. You'll be a great asset for a HA.

If you do this for more than 1 nation you could be a very valuable HA Player.

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    04. 24. 2010 09:11

4 FP 4 Bomber setup fails in the team aspect of the game. Itsimpossible to
constantly keep vision for your team with a 4-4 setup.

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    04. 20. 2010 15:02

Really guys there is no real good configiration though some are better than others. I am
currently running a 4ft and 4 bomber pilot set-up and it is working just fine for me.
There is no real setup that can own all other setups though fighter whore cv's do annoy
me as they litteraly spam fighters so fast its not even funny. I would have to agree
somewhat with the one bomber type only set up though i do disagree somewhat. I
always keep one tb with me for the purpose of eliminating subs. Yes it is kind of useless
but i have been saved many a times from torp death by tbing a ss that was torping me.
i do this for my own good though an escort works just fine as well. Personally it comes
down to your own choice as it is your own account and you can do whatever you wish
with it. The only exceptions to these ok setups are the mn cvs since they have insane
db dmg so i see quite alot of db whore cvs which is fine as those players are simply
taking advantage of what is given of them. Hope this helps and nice to see you Lazuline
on the forum, i haven't seen you in game after we both graduated from blitz! =P lol :)

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    04. 20. 2010 05:36

Myth: Seaman/Medic cancel.

Proof: In my KM grind(s) up to BB2 and almost CV4, I've used both a seaman and a medic. Never havve lost a
vet, lost about 10 experts total, maybe 100 rookies(Oh Noes! Rookies!). Never have had to DC. Why? Level
90ish medic. My T2 elite FP's have chomped T3 and local planes for several levels, since almost level 65. Why?
+11 ftr seaman level 80ish.

Personal experience says they not only work together, but bring out the best in eachother.


  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    04. 19. 2010 09:54

I am running a Lexington right now - soon to be a Ticondaroga (110k exp to go) I
8ftrs (ftr whore for HAs)

Right now I have 5 ftrs 1 db 1 seaman 1 medic on board.

And yes in my opinion you want to class on time.

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    04. 19. 2010 04:52

I use and recommend the following

CV6 - 6 FP, 2 DB or TB, 1 Medic, 2 Seaman(yes they stack noobs)

If you dont want to use the seaman substitute with supports or gunners of some

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    04. 17. 2010 04:42

well i also goes with US CV lines and my combination was 5 ftr with 2 DB and 1TB

the reason for 1 TB is simple, use TB to own subs, DD and sometimes CL its a lot easy
rather then DB so at least you need 1 or maybe 2 since higher level TB is AA immune

do don't need 6ftr if you want more attack 5 is good enough

so what do u need

- BO
- 5 fighter
- 3 Bomber (can use 1 TB+2 DB or 2TB and 1 DB or 3TB or 3DB)
- 1 Medic (just help u keep those vets) or 1 Seaman
- the rest is engy

note: don't use both medic and seaman since you still loosing those vet with or without
medic and the seaman not boost you too great but it help you thats it

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    03. 13. 2010 04:52

on my cv6 i run 6 fighter/2 db and 1 seaman for gbs. a 4/4/4 load out with either 2
sets of db/1 fighter or 2 sets of fighter/1 db works pretty nicely.

as far as elite pilots and classing them, i run all elite fighters, including an elite
seaman, and classed them all on time plus max vetted out on the pilots and
seaman. those planes are very hard to kill. i was rapping cv6 planes when i about
level 105.

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    03. 12. 2010 14:56

"i think, most people use a 6ft/2 bomber + 1 seaman/medic or 5 ft/3 bomber + 1
seaman/medic setup
on pcv/cv6
they have 9 support slots, thats right, but nf only can use 8 of them for pilots, cause
you only have 8 of
the "starting clocks" ingame "

right you are. however i would reccomend buying that 6th fighter pilot and another
TB so you have some different variety to use during those long grinds from cv5-pcv-
cv6. its a long road, keeping things fun will make it go faster.

and to answer your question: pick 1 - seaman or medic. they cancel each other out,
so you can have both but dont put them both on at the same time

  • Re : USN CV Clarifications

    03. 12. 2010 09:32

in my opinion you should be only using one type of bombers for optimal damage, so in that
case you could be running 6 ft/2 db or 4 ft/4 db since you only have 1 tb, as for the open
slots, a medic helps, a seamen also helps, and reps or rests depending on how many slots
you have left
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