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  • Sailors Dead?

    03. 10. 2010 11:52

Noob here. I guess when I started I just started playing and didnt pay much
attention to my sailors. So, now I'm at the atlanta and ready to go to
NorthHampton/Brooklyn. I know a little more about how sailors work now. My BO is
Great. But My Gunners/ACC are all like -9 potential. So, is there anyway to improve
this? Or basically I have to Re-roll all my sailors... I actually just went to the NF
store and paid $2 to boost a sailors stats. Now that sailor Boosted the -9 Potential
to -11. Man...

How much is this going to hurt me, also, Should I just re-roll all sailors?

  • Re : Sailors Dead?

    11. 11. 2010 20:45

The sailor die in batle but doesn't matter tehn you can recrudit that

  • Re : Sailors Dead?

    03. 12. 2010 06:38

Yea, as you read you will see that each sailor has it's on job and does that job well, but
cannot do other well. Your BO has the most Potential, while your gunners are good at acc
reload, and sometimes aaw. Your gunners "would" suck as a bo, and your bo "would" suck as
a gunner, but doing the jobs that they have been tasked with they perform like they
should, so do not be worried by the -11.

  • Re : Sailors Dead?

    03. 10. 2010 22:08

Potential in a gunner isnt needed just accuracy and reload

  • Re : Sailors Dead?

    03. 10. 2010 13:50

Right. The important takeaway is that not all sailors need all the stats. Most just
need 1 or 2. And a negative growth stat just means the sailor will have zero ability
eventually, but that thing isn't his job anyway.

  • Re : Sailors Dead?

    03. 10. 2010 13:10

Ahhh. Thanks. I've read through the guides and this is making a lot more sense. I
guess when I first started I read through the guides a bit, but at that time I was still
learning how to move the turrets. So, the second time around I obsorbed a lot more.


  • Re : Sailors Dead?

    03. 10. 2010 12:57

At that level, some decent gunners shouldn't cost much at all. In fact; add my ID and send
me a PM in-game. I'll hook you up with come credits so you can try buying a decent pair :)

PS- Assuming you meet the minimum requirements for trading....

  • Re : Sailors Dead?

    03. 10. 2010 12:18

This provide all the information.

Take your time reading it.
It covers all fact and information.
If you don't understand something in particular, then we can help you.