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U.S Navy


  • USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 19. 2010 19:58

With nearly 60 - 90% of the subs in any given room now KM what are the thoughts of the USN
SS drivers out there?

For me, I'm in a barracuda right now and once I get into a catchalot I'm planning on
shelving my sub. I find dueling IJN, UK, and MN subs exciting and challenging. But I
rarely run across those subs anymore. It's just KM, KM, KM, KM, KM, KM, KM, KM, KM, KM,

There's no challenge or excitement in sinking to a sub who never even lands a hit on you
and sends you to the bottom on splash damage alone.

I'm curious, is it the intention of SDE that KM remain the undisputed top sub nation or
will this get balanced sometime in the future?

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 25. 2010 10:59

Even if KM SS end up reigning supreme all the way through once we've gotten all the
subs we'll ever get I still wouldn't give up my US SS crew. I've had too many good times
with it and its a very well put together crew...and even if at the end the US has the
worst SS5/6/PSS it'll still be an SS5/6/PSS.

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 24. 2010 09:52

I guess we can debate the merits of any non-KM SS4 vs KM SS4 but what requires
no debate is that KM subs are OVERLY represented in games now. When there are 5
national subs and half of the subs present in any given game are KM then maybe,
perhaps, possibly, there뭩 a balance issue at play?

Imagine if in nearly every GB2 game 10 of the 20 BBs present were USN BB5, or UK
BB5, or IJN BB5, etc etc. Would this not be a cause for questioning the balance
implications of such an overly represented unit? I certainly think so.

What I really want to know is if SDE continues to expand the national SS lines is it
their intention to keep the KM line as the highly favored national line? Personally I
don뭪 think we need more powerful subs nor PSS units that just have more DP, more
torps, more speed, more tubes, etc etc. If the SS5s or PSS had new and unique
abilities then I could see that. The ability to drop mines, non-cash smoke screens,
scout launching ability, sonar ping ability that reveals hidden units in the fog of
war, ,etc etc. Then I might be in favor of that as long as it doesn뭪 just increase the
raw power of the SS line.

As for KM subs being just as easy to duel as other subs I have to disagree. The KM
SS4 has plenty of bow and stern tubes, great speed, powerful torps, small
silhouette, and essentially don뭪 have any drawbacks such as no stern tubes or long
reloading times. Therefore the KM SS4 is already a decent boat before you toss in a
reduced submerge/critical dive time, proximity torps that have a 91% detonation
rate, and the most powerful SS deck gun.

If going forward SDE is looking to intentionally balance national subs with this
formula: KM SS > Non-KM SS. I just want to know that so I can decide now whether
I want to continue down a SS line that will always be designed to be inferior to my
other options.

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 23. 2010 20:54

ss are hax as it is ss4 of all nations are insane ( i only have us ss4 but its suposd to
be the worst ) if the us one is the worst i dont care what the best is like prox torps
can be delt with when fighting other subs espicly km use the crash dive to turn u still
turn as your crashing and are safe from them launch torps to get them to crash
surface w8 launch and crash agian before their torps get close to u the cachalot may
be bad conmpared to what other people say but i have to say as a owner of one
(altho i do have a high lvl us bb crew to make it insanely godly) stands up well
aganst other ss4s and even the km ss4 just never get in bad spots with them you
have a higher turnign force and learn to use your back torps well they are the
strong point of us subs as far as ive seen.

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 23. 2010 20:53


  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 23. 2010 20:33

I've never had problems with US subs but then again im only at the tier 2 sub. even then
yes i've been sunk many times but other nations subs but thats always been my error in
position never the ship itself. Its does decent damage to other subs, only problem i have
with it is that i get a high dud rate when firing all tubes.

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 23. 2010 15:08

The point is the US subs are cool.
Cachalot is strong even if it does not have 8 front launcher or super gun.

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 23. 2010 12:18

Meh... like you said any sub is OP at that case

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 20. 2010 14:36

US SS is very useful in holding enemy BBs.
yes, it sucks fighting against other SS but, with a couple high level engies and a
restorer, giving it 900sd, its wayyyyyy every sub in the game

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 20. 2010 13:37

it seems that the catchelot i have goes faster than any other ss not sure though but i
dont really have any complaints about this ship itself it seems to handle itself fairly
well as long as you have around 119-120 engys on it

  • Re : USN SS...what's the point?

    03. 20. 2010 11:45

I think as someone said it goes back to hating on the US.

The Cachalot was a failure of a design that ended up being relegated to training
subs and concepts for later subs.

Only 2 Cachalot class subs were ever made so it was an odd choice to give the US
but it did of course follow the same trend SDE has done all along do not give the US
any subs made during WWII.

All US Subs are pre WWII designs

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