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  • op convoy theory

    10. 24. 2005 14:28

im not sure if many people know this but every time i play op convoy and finish or retreat and go into another game (usually all welcome) i notice that the op convoy set with the time and boxes for each team is still up. This is probably why the game is crashing and i have even tested it and so far every time. Not sure if this is what is causing the crashes but something to look into.

  • Re : op convoy theory

    10. 24. 2005 21:41

if you are in an op convoy that ends prematurely (be it through you retreating, or the other team retreating) DO NOT go into another op convoy room, as you will crash... instead reboot your game and save yourself the time

if an op convoy finishes appropriately... you can go back to op con or any other type of game, and have no bugs...

  • Re : op convoy theory

    10. 24. 2005 17:44

Same here, I just chalk it up to being a glitch

  • Re : op convoy theory

    10. 24. 2005 16:37

yea that happens everytime to me when i am finished with op con and go into a regular room it stays there