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Marine Nationale


  • Whats better?

    03. 20. 2010 07:36

What ship is better? The Dunkerque (lvl61) or the Strasbourg (lvl79/81)?

The dunk:
- Is lower lvl (so i could use it now ;) )
- more FCS space (dunno what for but more = better?)
- same number of aa slots
- better turn rate
- more structural strength (and PBB ability to take dmg better?)

the Stras:
- Smaller
- slighty better gun space
- Bigger engine?

Just some quick observations, but as i see it the Stras isnt that much better then the dunk...

Soooooooooooo.... Any thoughts?



  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 22. 2010 20:58

The spread isn't due to the guns.. just take the guns and try them on the normandie or
lyon one round.. those 13" guns are nasty sluggers with awsome spread... the spread issue
is due to how you angle your guns, and which why they are facing. You'll note that certain
elevation and turning angles are MUCH better than others..

I have no problem getting a decent spread in the Strasburg. Fact of the matter is, the
guns only seem bad because of their positions on the Strasburg.

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 21. 2010 07:51

Strassbourd because you don't waste 7$ on it.

Buy yourself some vets or something instead.

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 21. 2010 06:33

stras is better, you didnt even put in range or guns, this thread is a joke

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 21. 2010 05:48

I'd say the Dunk.
The lower level means you get juicier bonus when shooting BB4/BB5.

Anyhow, I skipped both and used Normandie and Lorraine all the way to Richelieu.
I prefered the Lorraine over Stras as it had an extra slot, meaning I could level an
extra sailor.

I figured, why level 11 sailors when you can level 12 by simply using another ship,
that is equally good if not better.

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 20. 2010 21:09

Better for the game? Never the premium ship.

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 20. 2010 18:19

my gunners are elite, bve with 130 vets and lvl 88, and the spread still is not really good - i dont want to
hit a h44 with half of the salvo, not only 1 shell
maybe iam too spoiled by my us or ijn gunners, but these booth are not elites and there spread was
much better on there bb3, also with lvl 90 around

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 20. 2010 17:33

At-level gunners with the level 81 guns still have bad spread.

Elites, full b/v/e, the spread is still bad. Now what is being done wrong?

The spread isn't horrid, but it's not "good".

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 20. 2010 12:29

Stras has a smaller profile.. and much better guns... that's all you need to know. If your
spread sucks with the level 81 guns.. then you're doing something wrong.

  • Re : Whats better?

    03. 20. 2010 08:24

booth suck ^^
dunk an stras have the same amount of ship- and support slots (4+7)
so you have to put 1 of your gunners in the support-section, or leave the whole pair
at home, when you only use mainguns and stern-aa.
btw, the strass use the ca2 engine - and the spread sucks really bad
so better stay in the bb2, its more fun
and the slightly better gunspace is used for the non-prem-guns, which have a higher
angle (40 degrees) but you can also take only 5 binds per turret
dunk has the better fcs (bb fcs3, strass has bb fcs2) but strass have 5 scouts, dunk
only 3
and if you use the "same" guns for aa, you have more ammo and better rld with the
prem-guns on pbb