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  • Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 26. 2010 12:52

Well last night IHad decided that i wanted to test out the
Bretagne with higher level crew aboard. Granted it had 2 less support slots, but whatever.

So i was setting it up and i noticed something, and came to the conclusion that the
Bretagne is somewhat over powered, here`s why.

With the r slot space provided, the Bret can hold the level 71 13(.4?)"
((lorraine/paris)) guns with 2 binds per gun.

With 5 guns this makes it deal more damage than Lorraine, while still holding more ammo
than the Paris for the 5th turret with those guns, as the paris can only hold 1 bind of
ammo with the 71 guns on the wing turret.

Also, it out perfroms the lorraine with having it`s middle turret still in tact, and 4 t
slots per side for AA that are tightly spaced.

Finally, with all crew onboard all ammo and .2 belt, it still goes 25/39. A feat that the
paris/lorraine have to sacrifice guns or ammo for.

Considering that, the Paris and the Lorraine have the advantage of better submergence, 2
more crew slots, and more DP.

However, I am more than confident in saying that the Bretagne can easily outperform it's
BB Remodel counterparts.


  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 29. 2010 17:42

So Emma, you try it out?

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 28. 2010 15:23

Thanks for the advice, AmbroseBurns. I'll take it. I have not really played BB much and
would like to have a good crew and get good results.

The two I have in T-slots now are gunners. I am late with the rep/rest. guys but they are
coming along. Engys right now are the same lvl as the gunners (57).

As for AA, I tried the guide that I read on Obst about shooting at the planes' shadows but
I still never hit anything. I try golden angle and then moving the angle depending on
whether planes are closer or not. Nothing seems to work for me and then I play CV and see
these AA ships knock my planes down like it is nothing. :D

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 28. 2010 04:55


If you ever want the MN BB6 when it's implemented you're going to want to have 4x gunners,
a BO, a scout and 8 more supports. Of these 8 supports you're going to wait to either have
4 engineers and 4 repairers or 5 engineers and 3 repairers. If it's your first BB crew I
would probably suggest the 4/4 route.

You could only have 2 gunners and get 2 extra supports but I advise against it, if you're
not going to take advantage of the MN AA, you're going to be quite gimped as it's the only
real advantage MN seems to have other than perhaps ship size.

The AA may seem bad at early levels but that's because your gunners aren't high enough
yet. I would say level your engineers / reps on your T slots until you get higher,
leveling your secondary gunners is useful but keeping your engineers / reps the same level
as your BO / main gunners is more important. A secondary pair of gunners cap reload fairly
quickly (accuracy doesn't matter as much) and you can go back and level it later once you
get a higher tier ships such as BB4/5.

Of these 8 supports you're going to wait to either have 4 engineers and 4 repairers or 5
engineers and 3 repairers. If it's your first BB crew I would probably suggest the 4/4 route.

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 27. 2010 09:14

Right now I have two engys and one scout pilot. I have two more guys I am leveling up for
either engy or rep/rest.

Also, I switched the T-slots over to the 3.5s. LOL, I never hit anything with AA anyway on
French. Using golden angle of 26 that I saw on forum.

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 27. 2010 08:41

JoeWNC what are you using for support sailors. You mentioned you don't have any restorers
or repairers. I would suggest using 2-3 repairers and 2 sets of gunners plus a scout.
Then fill the rest up with engineers. Most people tend to go 3/4, 4/4, or 2/5 for rep/eng
on their BB crews.

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 27. 2010 07:55

Well, use the T slots to your advantage. level 20 3.5" AA duals work fine.

As far as armor goes, put some bulge on obvious, and put 0.2" of belt to halve the damage
of torps, other than that don't worry about armor.

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 27. 2010 07:40

Hmm, good points raised. Will try it out.

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 27. 2010 07:01

I just got the Bretagne yesterday. I have been a CV player more than BB, so I am a BB noob
pretty much. That means my opinion won't be as interesting as others. Also, would
appreciate suggestions on using the MN BBs.

I like the Bretagne so far. I tried a New Mexico in US and got pretty frustrated with it.
I also tried a Kongo and it reminded me of the Konigsberg. The Bretagne, OTOH, is a lot of
fun. I like the R-slot setup. I ran the 12" for a while (my crew is still in the 50s) and
just switched to the 13.4s. My shells (normal HE) went too far for BO to see them so I
switched to the heavy shells. I am going to try that out.

Any suggestions on armor? Crew? I have bulge. I don't have a restore or repair. Do I need

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 26. 2010 15:49

Not necessarily... french Restore ability comes earlier, just like UK crew.

  • Re : Bretagne... As good as Paris?

    03. 26. 2010 14:29

The 2 crew slots probably make the difference between 900 sd and 500 sd imo, especially if
you're running aa.