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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 03. 2010 23:41

How can you decrease torp duds or eliminate them? i find it really annoying esp during ss
battle or even when trying to kill bbs..

  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 05. 2010 22:04

thanks alot guys :D

  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 05. 2010 07:34

70% means jack *enter frase appropriate cusing word here* in online games...

we eaven had 75% conversion rate, and guess what, it failed more then it worked -.-
but I have spare expert and vet packs so it diden't affect me much :p

hence my point, ignore the math, go with experiance...and experiance wise IJN torps
hit hard but they go dud A LOT, so allways be prepared to waste torps on a target
with only 2k DP left -.-


  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 05. 2010 01:52

"Frankly I think US and IJN have the worst torps ever, so meny duds geez.
I personelly had GAMES where 3/4 of my torps wen't all dud..... thets like after
fiering oround 12-14 torps... wich is redicules..."

US, UK, IJN both have 70% HR, no matter what you do. KM, due to its proxy ability, it
miraculously lets the torp have a 2nd chance to blow up bellow the ship, making it have a
91% HR (easily explained mathematicly as:

0.7 + (0.3 * 0.7) * 100 = 91;

i believe it can be easy to understand this equation...)

all this babbling of me has been tested :)

  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 04. 2010 16:42

Brainy wrote:

*two options... use both for best results =D

*A higher level torper is less likely to have the torp go under the ship... This applies
to all nations except the KM (proxy torps)

*Fire so that the end of the torp's range is where the e ship is. Then even if you
get a direct hit you still damage.

**Random piece of info, torps in history did go under ships =P *


^^ignore this post

anyways, allways get close enuf so you can hit a BB whit 2nd/3rd salvo as well.
Fireing at max range = BB runs out of range

Frankly I think US and IJN have the worst torps ever, so meny duds geez.
I personelly had GAMES where 3/4 of my torps wen't all dud..... thets like after
fiering oround 12-14 torps... wich is redicules...

lvling torpers DOES NOT help this... I have same dud rates at lvl 78 torpers then I
did at 64..... no diference aside from a lil faster relode.

just don't go directly in BB and try shooting from some angel and it shouled improve
but not to much -.-

as a IJN you have nukes, but thoes nukes tend to go ther way a lot :)

ohh and personelly I use hyper torps as long as I'm in hyper range, I only swich to
slow torps if BB or soome other ship is a lil out of hyper range, OR sub vs sub and
your a lil close to each other.


  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 04. 2010 16:02

For my part, I think (with my SS3) that fast mode torps have the tendency to become duds
way more often than the normal speed more torps.

  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 04. 2010 07:16

Best advice... fire at the max range to hit the hull, or at worst, have the distance

Just a great book that talks about the history of submarines if you're interested:

The Submarine, a history by Thomas Parrish is a great book. Talks in depth about the
failure of the USN armory departments to test their torpedoes. One captain was nearly
courts martialled because he tested the torpedoes and found that they never ran at
the proper depth, & the magnetic detonators were rarely useful. He was mad because
he sailed across the pacific, had a cruiser in his sights, and fired all eleven torpedos -
none exploded! Then sailed home and was accused of incompetence!

  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 04. 2010 03:12

Here is a little picture i made from some finds i got during some tests on subs.

yellow section is the section that has a higher rate of duds, the red section is the kill
zone. Coming at a pure T to the enermy increases the amount of duds dramtically.

  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 04. 2010 01:44

"*A higher level torper is less likely to have the torp go under the ship... This applies
to all nations except the KM (proxy torps)"

this is untrue....
true thing: all subs, except KM subs, have 70% hit rate (proved). KM subs only have better
HR because of the proxy ability, which IMO its a bug that no1 ever cared about

if u want better HR, u can do 2 things:

1 - do what the guy above me sain in his 2nd point: throw the torp in a way it will
auto-explode close to the enemy ure targeting

2 - buy KM sub and be easy/noob-mode

  • Re : Need help from Ijn ss vet players..

    04. 04. 2010 00:34

two options... use both for best results =D

*A higher level torper is less likely to have the torp go under the ship... This applies
to all nations except the KM (proxy torps)

*Fire so that the end of the torp's range is where the e ship is. Then even if you don't
get a direct hit you still damage.

**Random piece of info, torps in history did go under ships =P