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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • SS help

    04. 06. 2010 22:37

Ive played several ss battles since i got my ijn ss. i usually get owned by km subs. i
really find it annoying (quite unfair) the km proxy torps.. any advice or tips in fighting
km subs with the use of your ijn sub? badly need it T_T

  • Re : SS help

    04. 15. 2010 09:09

whenever going to sub battle that is ss vs ss try to detect him as away as posiible.
then turn towards him and fire a spead of 2 trops in slow speed. this shld be done
as far away as possible preferbly at max range. wht now happens most of time is
1) he is going to turn towards you and empty his tubes in single shot (which means
that u have easier time evading it)and then take evasive action.take him down after
evading his salvo cause u have 4 trops hot and others shld have been reloaded by
now .(he hopefully has none)
2)he is going to critical dive .now get close (point blank range)and wait.when he
comes out set trops to fast and narrow and take him down.

Good Luck

  • Re : SS help

    04. 11. 2010 15:04

I dont find KM subs a threat at all

1. You can almost always see where, which, and what direction subs are going in the first
30 seconds of battle, so easy to avoid if thats your tactic.

2. Coming at a KM sub at an angle is so easy to do, throwing them off gaurd giving you the
first strike advantage.

3. Even if you go head to head, most KM subs fire only about 3 or so at you, 2 at best
(with me most of the time) will do some minor-meduim damage if they explode near me but
you IJN's subs should be able to take about the same damage.

4. If all that fails, you still (If your a well practiced with subs) should be able to
take a KM sub with you, Head to head or what have you, IJN subs have so many more tubes
launch everything you have and take her down with you, its not hard

  • Re : SS help

    04. 10. 2010 08:40

"In an encounter with another KM sub you're almost always going to fail. KM has a
faster sub, a much smaller turning circle, & proximity detonation. You'll beat a KM sub
the KM sub driver is sleeping."

Or...You can hit him with one of your 6 torps...Yea...Or just use NUKESPLASH and kill

  • Re : SS help

    04. 10. 2010 01:24

Tnx for tips :D

  • Re : SS help

    04. 09. 2010 12:44

Best advice: know what the KM subs look like, and stay away from them!

Warn your team about the enemy sub, and eventually the KM sub will have to surface
and will be killed.

In an encounter with another KM sub you're almost always going to fail. KM has a much
faster sub, a much smaller turning circle, & proximity detonation. You'll beat a KM sub if
the KM sub driver is sleeping.

  • Re : SS help

    04. 07. 2010 13:32

as ppl sed...and keep in mind due to prox torps KM has a full 1s advantage when
you both go critical and back up...allways be fast on cirtical, don't be to fast to go
back to dive depth...and keep KM subs at close range you have 2

eather suicide and take KM sub with you(no critical diveing)
or try and OH close to it so eaven prox's woun't hit(thet happens only if your like
allmost touching each other...) then OH more and use your back tubes, but don't
forget KM has 1 back tube as well...(this doesn't apply to T4 IJN)


  • Re : SS help

    04. 07. 2010 04:25

IJN Subsmarines have the most powerful torpedos, use it as the advantage of
striking first. 1-3 torps would be enouh to sink any sub. The best advice I can give
you is to spot the enemy first before engaging in battle, once submerged you'll have
to determine how close and you were to him and which drection he was heading, I
would fire a spread into the area right before I see him on sonar so it forces him into
critical dive, once you have him slighted just keep firing torps in intervals until he
runs out of air and or dies.

  • Re : SS help

    04. 06. 2010 23:00

IJN SS1 has way more torp tubes and much more torp damage. The IJN subs are
more of battleship killers however, they have so many tubes that you can just learn
your max ranges for fast and slow torps and fire your torpedos before your enemy
enters max range and blow them apart with splash damage.