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Marine Nationale


  • Pros and Cons

    04. 08. 2010 01:13

Now I am a vet who has only just come back. But I want to know the pros and the cons of
the new French Nation? What new things to they bring to the table. Do they have good
gunners but lack the power (KM)? big punch. but slow (RN)? and so on.

So. you French drivers. Tell me all the good and bad points you guys know about the
frenchies :P

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 13. 2010 18:17

I'd say biggest pro is a TON of guns. One of their low-mid tier bbs has like 6 guns.
The con (from what ive seen) is that each shell doesnt do a whole lot of damage,
but it seems that all the shells they fire more than make up for it.

Also, good speed and range with some pretty weak armor. Very small though, and
they can take a surprisingly huge beating if played with a slightly above level crew.

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 13. 2010 05:29

The lyon is a power house. especially with above level crew. Plus, considering the
fact that it is the size of a pop can, it is a great rusher.

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 12. 2010 23:40

@Denaratuck an FatStrat ok then if you wanna play it like that and ys H39 is dead
last lacks fire power to hurt anything dont belive me watch a 1-1 with H39 vs any
other bb4 and my gunners are only 6 lvs above my guns so that logic is out. and
every day Richelieu is gainging points on Yammy will it ever beat it for #2 NO WAY!!
Richelieu may be a great bb but Yamato is way better balanced and hits harder and
the aa guns are grouped closer together makeing it better that Richelieu because of
how far the guns are spread out. and as For bb5 i havent seen any thing impressive
from and alsace so its dead last as of now.

#1 Iowa
#2 Yamato
#3 Richelieu
#4 L1
#5 H39

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 12. 2010 10:18

LOL yammy and iowa equal. and H39 last, just wow. i don't have a problem with your
comments, but your evaluation skills need some work. and above post says it all, at level
its hard to play bb3/4, as your gunners level its better.

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 12. 2010 00:59

If you really rank the H39 as number 5 I'm speechless...

Also, I was referring to the spread with at level gunners. It does get a lot better
around 10 levels higher, but at level it sucks.

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 11. 2010 20:45

@Denaratuck your crazy to think Richelieu sucks ive had it for only a few hours and
have already owned 2 bb6 numorus bb5s and bb4s Richelieu is the best bb4 i have
used since iowa. AA is awsome and with good gunners you can almost blockshot
(i have lv 97 12/11 bve gunners) and 2 shot every bb5 in the game. And as for
hitting like a 2 gun h39 no way one turret of Richelieu hits harder than h39 does.
and dont say an AW L1 can own it i have pwned them in it also easier in richelieu
than montana. i rank bb4 as follows.

1: Iowa/Yammy (These are equal IMO both hit hard bot have good aa Iowa turns
better and is faster yammy has a smidge more range and aa range)

3:Richelieu (Best AA for BB4 and packs a punch)

4: L1 (Super while AW and Good while not)

5: H39 (All around a OK ship good in the right hands)

@ Desolate Richelieu can also bounce bb5 shells ive seen glashiguy do it numorus

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 11. 2010 11:40

Only issue I really have about the Richie is the ammo space but meh, different play styles
i guess.

Btw Den den.. pop the 13" quads on it and 9" of deck, if you've got good engineers your
speed will be good even with max Displacement. Bounces up to BB4 shells and only costs
4mil creds for the armor. Haven't tried it against bb5 yet.

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 11. 2010 09:16

Desolate I know how to AA. But your saying the MN BB4 is as good as the Iowa, Lion, H39,
or Yamato? I'd probably take it over the vanguard but thats about it. It hits like a two
gun H39, turns worse than the H44, seems to sink easier, got low ammo, and really, the
only thing it got going in its favor is the AA.

In a one on one game it would be good due to the AA. But played in GB rooms, it becomes a
lot harder to keep the enemy blind all the time to play run and gun or do a successful
rush. If your talking about an at lvl crew then the spread makes this even harder because
of the low damage. Its much easier to use the Normandie to mop up ships than the BB4 IMO.

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 11. 2010 08:43

example of french power. Tier1 dbs are more powerful than US Tier2, and in a franch cv1
with 6 dbs i can put a dent in almost everything. good to see that with a cv1 i can almost
1 shot all bb2 and under, along with cv2 and under. very nice feeling.

Also a bb2 with 16 shells, small hitbox and decent speed. carpet bombing comes to mind,
although spread is horrid at low levels, with 16 shells you can still miss a ship, but as
it improves so does the potential for ownage.

  • Re : Pros and Cons

    04. 11. 2010 06:12

Actually in Blitzes I have seen COURBET and the other BB1 of french one shotting
every ship upto an ALASKA. And I think this is where TNF has failed to incorporate a
balance against other BB1s. Then these BB1 of french also have very good range
and they easily out range Revenge and renown in blitz.
On the other hand I have repeatedly witnessed that every battle split in BLITZ has
given more strong team to the side which has a COURBET / BRETAGNE. i.e, if there
are three BB1s and two of them are FRENCH mostly they are both same side against
other nations single BB. I have even witnessed very often that if there are two CVs
one is high lvl, the high lvl and good CV will always go to the side with those two
FRENCH bbs. If two CVs are present the CV with Bombers and other with TB the
bomber CV will always join the team of two FRENCH BBs.

9 out of 10 I see in blitzes teams with COURBET or BRETAGNE against the teams
with other nations BBs will win. These are not hypothetical claims any one with blitz
lvl crews simply jump in blitz and observe it on their own.
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