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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN cv help

    04. 10. 2010 14:57

. i have 2 classed ftrs, 2 classed tbs and a db and i have 4 more rookie pilots, so wat
should i class these 4 as. im also wondering why ppl say why skipp hosho. plz shine
some light on this. thanks.

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 29. 2010 08:03

nicely said guys. im enjoying my cv2 alot and thanks to u guys im getting good
pretty fast. now all i need is my CV3, T2 ftrs, T2 dbs and T3 tbs lol i have a lot to go

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 24. 2010 16:16

My sugestion of doing both trees of CV for diff. mixs of pilots is great for IJN .....
but ... if another nation there is only 1 tree and if you are doing BB , CV , SS of
another nation and 2 CVs of IJN as well as a Kitakami ...... then 50 sailor cap is
strained for having more then 8 pilots a nation + the needed scout per nation .
The damage of torps are really useless against bulged BBs rendering TB in GB2s to
role of ASW and small ships. That is why I use 4 fighter , 3 DB , 1 TB pilots . I do very
well shooting down planes and bombing ships with level 100 pilots on my Europa. I
also do well with my Unryu and Hiryu. While you are leveling your pilots you must
think of your pilots being of the same level and since they get less exp then the
BO .... higher level then the BO. there is a requirement that pilots and all other
sailors be of same level of CV6. There is also a limit of 8 working pilots on any CV as
that CV6 and premium CV have more slots on dock then 8.

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 24. 2010 11:22

This depends a lot on how you wish to play the CV and whether you are in a fleet or not.
If you are in a fleet, you may be called upon to be a fighter CV or an attack CV.
Therefore, I recommend 4-5 fighters and 2 DBers and 2 TBers.
I can not tell you what I carry on my Shinano, as that information is classified, but I
do end up using all these fighters in some combination. I would not give up any of my
existing pilots. I also have the same configuration for my UK, KM and FFNS crews.

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 23. 2010 00:04

While I think that your CV knowledge is far greater than mine stan, is 19 not a little bit
overkill? :D

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 22. 2010 16:54

Yup, for diversity and flexibility plus fun..... Kinluu is on the right track.
I have 19 ijn pilots and can have a variety of set-up for battle. Tried all the ijn cv and
the hosho is one great ship that is hard to sink.

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 22. 2010 14:03

hey kin that is wat i was gonna do! i was gonna lvl my hosho line to CV3 then lvl my
other BO to junyo

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 21. 2010 23:57

I recently started a IJN CV crew myself. I wanted to have a CV Crew I could use for
serious competitive games and for dicking around in GBs. I wanted it to be grindable
easily and I wanted to be able to have fun while grinding.

This is what I came up with:

1x BO - Hosho Line
1x BO - Junyo Line
6x Elite Fighter Pilots
6x +12 Divebomber Pilots
2x +14/+11/+11 Seaman
1x Elite Medic

This may sound like a bit much, but in the end you will be very happy if you have all this
stuff. I am currently at CV4 with both my BOs and my pilots are starting to become usefull.

I approached the grind like this:

1. Grind BO1 with 3 FP, 3 DB, Medic and 1 Seaman to Hiryu
2. Grind BO2 with 3 FP, 3 DB, Medic and 1 Seaman to Junyo
3. Grind BO2 with 6 FP, Medic and 1 Seaman to Unryu, then to Taiho
4. Grind BO1 with 6 DB, Medic and 1 Seaman to Akagi
5. Grind BO1 with 6 DB, Medic and 2 Seaman until all DBs hit T2 lvl
6. Grind BO1 with 6 FB, Medic and 2 Seaman to Kaga (Current state)

This plan worked very well for me.

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 21. 2010 19:13

thank you megadone and i got CV2 today..didnt use bc i crashed...but just glag i got

  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 21. 2010 15:02

well for a start I suggest geting 4 FP's, 2 TB's and 2 DB's...add more FP's once your
higher lvl.

and only advice I can give you is, untill Cv 3....PLAY AS YOU WISH...ignore BB's
whining(including mine) and just do what you feel like....untill Cv3 your not gona be
able to do much aside from bombwhoring or using LFP's to protect a single BB...

eather way you can expect a lil abuse heading your way, so be prepared...but if you
like Cv''s well worth it :)

FYI at your team eye's will give you more wins *whink* *whink*


  • Re : IJN cv help

    05. 21. 2010 12:53

I play both IJN CV trees so as I can level the pilots 2x as fast. It also lets you play
with differant mixs of pilots.
I recamend a total of 8 pilots ( 4 fighter,3DB,1TB ) as there is now a limit of 8
working pilots on premium and CV6. Additional pilots are optional and need to be
the same level accross the spectrem. so that they fly the upgrades when available.
for HAs you could take off the TB and 1 DB so that you can fly 2 skytrain with 2
paratroops and still have your 4 fighters.
I recamend flying 1/2 your planes as fighters and other 1/2 bombers and while
sending fighters and controling bombers .... ready another group of fighters and
bombers so they are ready to launch when your bombing run is done. Doing this is a
way that both fighters and bombers can either shoot enemy planes or drag them
away and then both to act as eyes while you bomb. Dont worry if you sink a ship or
not but that you at least did some damage so a BB can see and finish off the target.
Above else ..... do your way of things and accept sugestions if you can and ignore
the noise from the flaming BBs.
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