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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 15. 2010 00:14

Some times there a standin: 1 rookie sailor killed but what is happening next, i dont see
a different.

  • Re : What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 17. 2010 19:53

Never tested it...I didn't even try back then, note the game version...(think it was
early or mid 08)

  • Re : What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 17. 2010 19:09

"can it handle planes even with a theorical 0 ability xD? "

No, every expert it can launch one plane.

  • Re : What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 17. 2010 17:00

RIP fighter lvl 43

he will be missed

on a serious note, can it handle planes even with a theorical 0 ability xD?

  • Re : What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 15. 2010 21:09

Nothing happens.

(not my account)

  • Re : What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 15. 2010 19:56

they go to heaven and get to have sexy time with the angels there!

Honestly, dont care about the rookies, say crap at the xpert death, and curse SDE for vet

  • Re : What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 15. 2010 09:11

You can remove the recruits on some BOs such as SS and Kita(if not pursuing a BB) but
all other crew (including those on a KITA) should be kept maximized. It improves their
performance + more crew-> more chance of conversion to experts.

  • Re : What is happening when a crew died?

    04. 15. 2010 02:15

go to force management window. i.e go to force window where you see all waiting
sailors and not guns and then click recurit button (RCT) below each sailor .u will have
less number of rookies then before.and keep ur sailors filled up unless going for
trop ships like kita.