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U.S Navy


  • nebraska vs monty

    04. 15. 2010 04:24

i dont really see how the nebraska is better than monty, yes it has more
displacement an 7k more durability, tad bit better structural strength, i guess what i
want to know is the big thing the nebraska can hold wayyyyyy more armor than
monty? thats the only bennefit i see it has one less r slot and holds less ammo? i
guess its supposed to be a AW? u woul think the nebraska would be better than
that, i guess its just me tho ive never played bb4/bb5 b4 im just curious is all i know
neb is better but im a bit dissapointed

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 20. 2010 04:43

"it does. Alsace actually have less range than the H39 (which have monty range)."

than would u care to explain y a monty n an alsace sailing down Parrallel each other yet
the monty cant hit the alsace yet the alsace could hit the monty?

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 18. 2010 13:12

Guys, Ladies, people. I think the proper answer would be "It fully depends on the
player playing it and if it fits their playing style". Armor, Speed, Range is worth
nothing or not much when the person your versing is better than you. If it's the
other way around take advantage of that skill difference. But Like I said, Everyone is

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 18. 2010 11:52

it does. Alsace actually have less range than the H39 (which have monty range).

Its needed tough, with that firepower (especially on the front), size, speed, lower angle
on the guns and AA, it just CANNOT have a range advantage.

Monty shine in the hand of a ninja playstyle guy, as he needs only a shot do nuke someone.

Anyone good at dodging will also be dangerous with that ship as he will dodge the incoming
salvo, find itself in range, release a salvo, and dodge out. I did it quite often, and
unless its a really good BB player in front, its a ow darn you sunk situation for him.

Nebby is however a class apart.

Basically, its back to iowa balance wise. If you play it good, you'll always have
something to rely on vs other BB6, weither its range (vs amagi and QV) or speed and damage
(vs kaiser). Sport the 2nd best range in the game, regular spread, good firepower (50k
salvo about) and a great turnrate if you are decent at dodging, you'll love it.

R slot size aren't really a reference since the BB34 patch since change in the BB3s forced
them to up the R slot size of some, thus having to increase the R slot of BB4 to avoid the
BB3s to access BB4 guns, and then up the size of BB5 to avoid BB4 using the BB5 guns.

BB6 didnt get a buff on the R slot, cuz its uneeded. Their main guns aint availaible in
the buy list, rather they come with the hull, so no risk of BB5 using them.

Gosh 4x triple 18" monty xD i wish :P

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 17. 2010 07:58

Chalk and Cheese.

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 17. 2010 06:14

i dont think the monty haf more range than the french bb5..

from wat i notice is tat the range goes like this : H44>SY>L2>alsace>Monty

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 17. 2010 03:22

You did not really just ask that, did you?

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 17. 2010 02:42

Question is How does he know my first name... I don't recall ever posting that on the forum.

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 17. 2010 00:11

Well Norm, you have to remember that when it comes to necroing, ben is the downright
KING, I mean he forum spammed for like 2 weeks before someone put a muzzle on him.

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 16. 2010 23:39

"i dont think thats necro,norman pear "

"After almost a month.. Yes it is. Plus question was already answered."

"""Also if you can't say someones name Don't say it. Please refrain from trying to say my
whole name. I seriously find it disrespectful to see half my last name. """

Lol.. Grow up normal pear.. Rofl...

  • Re : nebraska vs monty

    05. 16. 2010 16:39

"i dont think thats necro,norman pear "

After almost a month.. Yes it is. Plus question was already answered.

Also if you can't say someones name Don't say it. Please refrain from trying to say my
whole name. I seriously find it disrespectful to see half my last name.
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