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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 18. 2010 14:03

quite some time playing with the yammy. I dunno what happens with that "sheep", but i look
myself playing with it, and i can say i pretty much suck at it. It already comes to the
point in thinking that its not CVs fault that i manage to get this creeped out scores i
get with it. Plus, alot were the times that, i believe im getting the perfect shot in
enemy BBs, but it comes out in utterly miss by 1 or 2 degrees. Plus, for whatever some
reason, my BVE ijn gunners, lvl 105, with aiming BB2, and alot are the times my spread is
of the same lengh of my yamato, even in broadsides.

THEN, i come into my fuso, same crew and blah. somehow i manage to evade shots better with
him than in yamato, make better shots with it, heck i even manage to make "guessed shots",
something that is rare to achieve when im in yamato. all in all, in fuso i can make an
average of 80K, and some games reaching 150K or 200K, while in yamato i go for some 50-65K
avr, making some games of 100K, and hardly get to 150K.

i surely dont consider myself that much of a good player, but something is wrong to be
making better games in a fuso instead on a yamato.... and cant see what it is. pls
consider this a psicologist appointment, i need help!!!!1 lol

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 20. 2010 15:50

You can always try and find me on xfire (angus725) and I'll go over yamato play
while doing a few 1v1s. (downplease, aingeal, and lordrevan also can do that with
you if you can find them..)

I'm too lazy to read all the posts here >.>

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 20. 2010 13:42

I only read your comments I didn't read the other's comment but what I'm going to say to
you is get use to your yammy, bring it out more often and use it more often, make some
connection with it ( NOT the love thingy =.= ) then you will get use to the angles of the
yammy. So peace man =P Get more connection with your yammy =D Go on have fun with it =)

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 20. 2010 07:31

@Peg: I think at max zoom, SY/L2 range is | | much more than Yam. So about 2% of your
BO's ability (as shown in the sailor window when you burn experts). If you have a
fleetmate who has L2/SY with 110+ gunners and some free time, you guys can go to a mission
room and line up side by side, both face north, and fire. You can then estimate how much
longer your guidelines need to be to match his.

The reason I suggest 110+ gunners is because that is when their spread becomes consistent.
The best would be a 120 pair of gunners, but 110s should certainly do fine.

Good luck Peg.

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 20. 2010 07:25

@Downplease that is great advice. How many big ticks would you estimate that would
be? One full big tick? Or just a half tick?


  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 19. 2010 17:52

Aingeal and Pegleg gave some crucial advice and pretty much summed up Yam.

In a word, Yam is a great ship to "kite" with. SY, even better. Although Amagi is =/.
If you could, set your guidelines slightly longer than your gun range so that they match
L2/SY range. That way, you will know when the BB5s will attack you, which usually is when
they turn in for more than 5 seconds without turning back.

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 19. 2010 15:27

Yamato can linebattle with any BB4 except the odd skilled H39 (rare sight on NY).
And for AA, just try to take 2 or 3 shots, recheck surroundings. If clear or blind, keep
distance and aim again at the planes. AA enough fighters down and many CV's will decide
they'd rather send their precious vets away from you.

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 19. 2010 11:32

I have the same issues as a newish Yammy driver:

1) I love AA, Yammy has AMAZING AA, it is so much fun and easy to get carried away.
The rule I (would like to use) is: Use AA only for lone scouts and oncoming DB.
Forget fighter swarms. Fighter swarms are tasty AA targets, but if your team's CV's
are outclassed in your sector, forget it, if you shoot down every scout another dozen
will replace them. Sadly your team will probably lose that flank and probably the
game, but that is life and autostack. But I do get distracted, I of course am blind,
and a blind yammy is easy meat for enemy BB.

2) Don't line fight, every time I line fight against bb4 or 5 I'm dead. Run and gun.

3) No new players on server issue: I counted the last 16 games on Bismarck and out
of 16, there was only 1 (ONE) where there were more bb4 then bb5/6! On average
there is at least one more bb5/6 than bb4. That means that after that LONG grind as
food, you are again food, except this time you are a lobster dinner instead of KFC.

4) Apparently the afterlife for Yammy players is SuperYammy, but I don't know that
for sure yet.

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 19. 2010 07:14

I feel terrible with the yammy's speed and range (well, u have to aim much further ahead of
enemy ship in parallel line fight becoz of the hang time, which make u less range) :/

angle 45 guns is really a big different from angle 43, too. Not that easy to precisely control (I
am a KM player -v-).

long way to learn :/

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 18. 2010 22:45

yammy's based off AA and firepower.

It is no fuso. Its easy to aim at, and you need lots of timing and skill to dodge with it.
And a player that is a good shot wont have problem hitting you.

You can use your range to safely blow from a distance any BB3 less, L1s and richelieu. Not
even Armor whore can stomach a yammy salvo at max range, and even partial hit will make
them think twice about coming closer.

Then you use the AA to create rushing opportunities on other BB4 and BB5.

If one is dumb enough to try and rush you head on, you can use the longer hang time to
gain range on the run.

Fuso is a ship that base itself on its firepower, slim profile and speed (not that high,
but speedcapped at level) to get in range, and quickly dispatch its opponent while evading

thats not the yammy way,


base your playstyle on those and it should go well enough.

  • Re : revision on my battle skills - what am i doing wrong?

    04. 18. 2010 15:40

Not that odd really. In a Bb4 you attract more attention, and Yamato already is one of the
hardest ships to play well I'd say. Lots of multitasking, cannot take much of a
punishment, quite easy to be hit due to fat butt etc.
Just stick with it (you're not gonna learn how to play it in a Fuso), slowly try to get
used to the ship. Play defensive at first, learn your angles static/rushing/running. Even
BB5 have a hard time defeating a Yamato on the defensive. Use AA but keep in mind not to
focus so hard on AA that you neglect that PoW rushing you. Once you get more comfortable
playing it you'll do better and can start trying to play more aggressively.
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